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Pneumonia following influenza: causes and symptoms of complications

Pneumonia after influenza, whose symptoms are pronounced, is a frequent complication. To know the disease is not difficult: the patient seems that he is already on the mend after the flu, and then suddenly increased body temperature to 39-40°C, there is a fever, pain in the chest, severe cough (initially dry, then with phlegm, sometimes with hemoptysis).

problema pnevmonii

Once you have noticed these symptoms, immediately call your doctor! The success of the treatment depends on its timeliness. Most often pneumonia treated in hospital. It is not necessary to self-medicate, as in all forms of acute pneumonia and needed antibiotics, that it is better to enter by injection, and certainly several times a day. Moreover, there are expectorants, drugs that enhance the bronchi, which contributes to sputum, as well as physiotherapy.

Pneumonia as complications

shema pnevmonii

The largest number of deaths from influenza is associated with complications after influenza infection. One of the most common complications is pneumonia. Pneumonia can be divided into two types.

Primary viral pneumonia – severe disorders, which causes severe pneumonia. Suspicions begin when inflammatory processes are supposed to go down, but the opposite is happening. This type of pneumonia is a pretty rare complication, but it is characterized by a high mortality rate.

It occurs only when the influenza virus was triggered by the virus of high virulence. In this case, is the development of fatal hemorrhagic pneumonia with a duration of no more than 4 days.

The risk group also includes people with chronic heart or lung disease, accompanied by stagnation in the latter.

Secondary bacterial pneumonia is the inflammation occurs most often in influenza, where the mortality rate is approximately 25%. The flu affects the ciliated epithelium. This leads to a decrease in the size of cells and loss of cilia.

Symptoms of pneumonia after influenza

kashel - prichina pnevmonii

Symptoms of pneumonia can be similar to the symptoms of a cold or flu. Depending on the etiology of pneumonia may have different symptoms:

  1. Cough. In the beginning, traced, dry cough, which gradually turned into wet, sometimes perhaps even with expectoration of blood.
  2. Constant feeling of weakness andchills.
  3. Shortness of breath.
  4. Pain in the chest.
  5. Too fatigue
  6. Loss of appetite.
  7. The increase in heart rate.
  8. Lips and nails may be a little blue color, this occurs for the reason that the body receives enough oxygen.
  9. Elderly patients may experience pain in the abdomen.
  10. The phlegm becomes green color.
  11. Inflammation of the lungs starts to rise very high body temperature, sometimes even higher than bronchitis.

odyshka - simptom pnevmonii

There is a certain group of people who have the likelihood of complications increases:

  • people over the age of 50 years;
  • people with HIV or AIDS;
  • patients with congenital or acquired diseases of the heart or lungs;
  • people whose immune system is weakened;
  • women in the state.

Pneumonia can progress due to the fact that there is a direct penetration of the influenza virus in the lungs or in the period of influenza starts to progress to a bacterial infection. If viral or bacterial pneumonia, the condition is very serious, people just need urgent hospitalization.

When complications of bacterial infection pneumonia superimposed on the flu, all the symptoms are only getting worse, there is high fever, cough. Pneumonia usually lasts about three weeks, and in patients with the age group over 50 and those with weakened immune system, have kids for much longer. Suffer from pneumonia and those who have previously been diagnosed with asthma, passed into the chronic form.

If there is a cough, fever, difficult breathing, you must immediately consult the doctors. Timely diagnosis and chest x-ray, sputum test will help confirm the diagnosis.

Ways to reduce the percentage of complications

antibiotiki dlya lecheniya pnevmonii

In order to minimize the possibility of influenza, you need to make special vaccinations. Vaccination is quite safe and will not harm. Recommended vaccines:

  • people, the age group over 65 years since immune reactivity in this case is much higher;
  • people aged 19 to 64 years who smoke and drink alcohol;
  • children from 2 to 14 years;
  • women in the state.

Before vaccination, you must first make arrangements with the doctor.

To minimize the possibility of complications, should be promptlyimplementation of preventive measures.

There are a large number of viruses that can spread through direct contact. The microorganisms live on the surface of the many items a couple of hours, sometimes even a week. Therefore, contamination can occur quite easily – enough only to touch the objects. Hand washing will help reduce the rate of infection.

Drink at least three liters of liquid.

If possible, go to the sauna. Recorded statistics: if people visit the sauna at least 2 times a week, then ill approximately two times less, as by inhalation of hot air (approximately 80 degrees) there is a destruction of all viruses.

sobludenie postelnogo rezhima pri pnevmonii

Need more walk in the fresh air. Regular ventilation is very important, because with Central heating mucous membranes become drier and as a result, the body is more vulnerable to viruses colds and flu. In cold weather more people is in the room, resulting in a greater number of circulating microbes.

Every day should be charged. As a rule, exercises contribute to the fact that accelerates the exchange of oxygen between the lungs and circulatory system. Moreover, when exercise goes from the body of toxic substances.

You need to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.

Need to get rid of such harmful habits as Smoking or drinking alcohol. According to studies, people who smoke are much more likely to get sick with the flu or colds, and they have a much more possible complications. Bad habits lead to the fact that there is a decrease in immunity. Tobacco contributes to the fact that the drying of the sinuses and paralysis of ciliated epithelium. Alcoholic beverages can suppress the immune system.

Once observed negative symptoms, should immediately seek assistance from a qualified technician. It is strictly forbidden to treat yourself, as this may lead to many unpleasant and irreversible consequences.