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Pneumonia: symptoms and duration of treatment

When the diagnosis of pneumonia, duration of treatment and the ways to identify quite difficult. This topic concerns many people, coming into contact with such a common, but very dangerous disease. Miss the beginning of effective opposition infection means to complicate the whole healing process and even to drive the disease into a chronic form with serious complications.

shema pnevmonii

Modern medicines able to withstand the disease and quickly put on the feet of the patient in different types of lesions and the presence of different pathogens. When diagnosed with pneumonia, the treatment time depends on numerous factors such as external nature and those which are determined by the individual characteristics of the organism. But in any case, it is important that the treatment was timely and continued till complete cure.

Features of the disease

Pneumonia brings together a number of lung diseases characterized by inflammation of lung tissue, which occurs usually as a result of an infectious impact with damage to alveoli and interstitial tissue. The disease can manifest itself immediately as a separate process (primary type) or be a complication of another disease (secondary type).

Timing and treatment are largely determined by the degree and localization of damage:

povyshenie temperatury pri pnevmonii

  1. Total form: the inflammatory process covers the entire body.
  2. Focal species: the lesion is localized in the form of separate hearth.
  3. Equity form: damaged one lung lobe.
  4. Segmental views: lesion covered by one or more segments of the body.
  5. Unilateral pneumonia: inflammation of one lung covers.
  6. Double sided shape: amazed both lungs.

The nature of the disease pneumonia is subdivided into typical (there are standard treatment regimens), atypical (required individual treatment regimens tailored to the specific pathogen) species, and highlights the stagnant type. Most often the causative agents become the following viruses: chlamydia, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, pneumococcus, and Mycoplasma.

The severity of the symptoms of the disease is divided into mild, moderate and severe. On the pathogenesis of pneumonia may be acute, protracted and chronic. The acute form usually lasts 3-7 days, long type may appear 2-3 weeks, and the chronic form may continue for years. In addition, any kind of sometimes complicated and uncomplicated.

The symptoms and clinical picture

To define the schema of treatment requires the differentiation of the type of pneumonia forgiven classifications. Primary diagnosis is by characteristic symptoms and clinical picture of the disease. The acute form of the disease manifests in specific ways:

nasmork - simptom pnevmonii

  1. Lobar pneumonia (lobar): a sudden rise in temperature to 40 º C, chills, weakness, pain in the chest, cough (initially dry, then with phlegm).
  2. Focal type: the temperature rises gradually, but the symptoms, although developing more slowly, the same.
  3. Developed focal pneumonia: starts in the form of SARS (runny nose, weakness, sore, coughing, aching, the temperature rises to 39ºs) for 3-4 days, then the rise in temperature to 40 ° C, increased cough and malaise.
  4. The development of SARS: after a cold, which lasts for 7-10 days, developing pneumonia when weakened symptoms.

In the General case of pneumonia in adults is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • very high fever, cough (sometimes with blood);
  • fever;
  • headache;
  • copious sweat, especially at night;
  • difficulty in breathing and shortness of breath, chills;
  • pain in the chest, worse when coughing;
  • weakness;
  • nausea, even to vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • tachycardia of the heart.

Atypical form of the disease the manifestation of symptoms is not observed very clearly and they are growing gradually. To treat pneumonia is necessary at the very first manifestations of symptoms.

Treatment scheme of the disease

silnaya golovnaya bol - simptom pnevmoniiStrategy of treatment for pneumonia has several directions:

  • firming diet rich in vitamins and proteins;
  • effective antibacterial and antiviral therapy;
  • detoxification activities;
  • symptomatic therapy.

The mild form of the disease active therapy medical drugs lasts up to 5 days, and in more severe cases - not less than 10 days. Treatment should continue for as much time as symptoms, and a noticeable process on the radiograph. After elimination of the major signs you should continue to take antibiotics for 2-3 days. The end of the course of treatment is determined by the results of comprehensive laboratory and instrumental examinations.

The method of antibacterial therapy

The main treatment for pneumonia is done by the introduction of potent antibiotics that destroy pathogens. However, to establish the type of pathogen requires time: bacterial culture, sample the various studies. In some casesidentification of infection may be delayed for 7-10 days, and delaying the start of treatment to aggravate the situation of the patient.

Given this, the first day of identification of symptoms of the disease are assigned a broad-spectrum antibiotics (Suprax, Ceftriaxone) to provide in blood a concentration of antibacterial component. With the appearance of a suspected atypical form for adults uses a combination of several drugs: Suprax with Clarithromycin or Ceftriaxone with Sumamed.

preparaty dlya lecheniya pnevmoniiAlready from the first days of therapy enhanced by the additional introduction of anti-inflammatory drugs, resolving means and vitamin complexes, and they are injected intravenously or intramuscularly.

Immediately upon defining a particular type of agent is used to target antibiotic therapy (usually 3-7 days after detection of the first signs). Drugs can be administered in addition to the previously accepted course of treatment or instead of it. We recommend the following antibiotics:

  • pneumococcal infection: Benzylpenicillin, Aminopenicillin, Cefotaxime, Macrolide;
  • coli Haemophilus influenzae: Amoxicillin or Aminopenicillin;
  • Staphylococcus aureus: Oxacillin, Cephalosporins 1st and 2nd generation;
  • chlamydial infection: Macrolides, Tetracyclines, Fluoroquinolone;
  • Legionella: Erythromycin, Rifampicin;
  • Escherichia coli: 3rd generation Cephalosporin.

The treatment of the disease

Even if you select broad-spectrum antibiotic immediately gives a positive impact, it should be administered for at least 3 days to create the desired content in the blood. In some complicated variants, we recommend the following therapy:

  1. Pneumonia middle stage in people under the age of 60 years: Avelox for 5 days in combination with Doxycycline, which is assigned for 2 weeks.
  2. Burdened with the disease and for persons over 60 years: Avelox in conjunction with Ceftriaxone for a period of not less than 10 days.
  3. A severe form of pneumonia, regardless of age of the patient: the combination of Levofloxacin with Ceftriaxone, or Cefepime Fortum until the appearance of signs of recovery.
  4. In complicated severe: Sumamed with Tehnicom, Fortum with Tehnicom, Targocid with Marinemom, Sumamed with Marinemom.

Treatment of congestive forms of the disease

Pneumonia, congestive implicit is characterized by symptoms and a long course. Most often, it develops in older people and people with a weakened organism. Antibiotic therapy of this type of illness lasts for at least 14 days. Is assigned to the following antibiotics: Cefazolin, Penicillin Tsifran or protected type. Such a course of drug therapylasts 15-20 days.

If congestive form occurs with background heart failure is recommended additional admission glycosides and diuretics. In the complex treatment also includes a bronchiodialator and expectorants medicines and also multivitamins.

In General, with proper treatment congestive pneumonia recover within 20-25 days.

The duration of treatment of pneumonia depends on several factors and the severity of the disease. The acute form in the right therapy is healed within 7-10 days. Debilitated patients, elderly and children up to 3 years needs to be treated in hospital under the supervision of experts.