What are the effects of pneumonia in adults?
Complications and other consequences of pneumonia in adults, there are nowadays not too often, but this is no reason to treat the disease lightly. This problem is a phenomenon, though relatively rare, but so serious that accurately comprehend the danger of this disease and to strictly follow all the doctor's appointments is a necessity. You need to ensure that freedom from disease was final, to prevent "adolescenti" as it can cause severe and dangerous consequences.
The name "pneumonia" is the designation of a number of diseases, involving inflammation processes in the lungs. That is, there are several different types of this disease, each of which describe their symptoms, characteristics and development options. Causes these problems the ingress of pathogenic microbes in the human body. And these "enemies" a great multitude: pneumococci, staphylococci, streptococci, Legionella, viruses. Most often, the infection occurs by direct contact with the patient (airborne route of infection), but a well-developed protective system of the body healthy people are able to cope with infection. If a person becomes ill, in the beginning of the process not affects the lungs, and other parts of the respiratory system. May develop bronchitis or bronchiolitis. If the disease is not stopped at this stage, the infection penetrates deeper into the area of the lung tissue and causes pneumonia.
Adults, physically active people with a strong immune system to resist disease. But there are circumstances in which the body becomes much more vulnerable:
- The body is subjected to General hypothermia.
- People suffer from chronic diseases.
- The state of immunodeficiency.
- The presence of heart failure, and other heart problems.
- Diseases of the endocrine system.
- The condition of the body after surgery.
- Medication that has the property to suppress the immune system.
- Bad habits.
Increased risk of the development of the disease in children and the elderly.
Successful the treatment will be, how quickly will come the recovery is depends on many factors. This age of the sick person, and how promptly he went to the doctor. Of course, the other important factor is the overall physical and even emotional health, as well as available at the time comorbidities. I must say that in most cases, quality and timely treatmentdoctors predict favorable development of the situation. However, you should pay attention to the importance of the concepts "quality" and "time". Most of the complications and problematic effects of pneumonia are linked to the fact that the patient applies for treatment too late, not too carefully follows the doctor's appointments.
The causes of the undesirable effects of pneumonia
The possibility of developing unwanted problems even in children depends on a number of factors that can be divided into subjective and objective.
The most common causes of complications are:
- The circumstances related to the infection that caused the disease.
- Poor quality of treatment prescribed by the doctor.
- General condition of the organism of the sick person.
View infecting organism germs often affects the accuracy of diagnosis and quality of further treatment. Or bacteriological bacterioscopy method allows the doctor to determine what kind of pathogens have to fight. If this is set accurately, then there is a possibility of appointing appropriate medications. But if the causative agent is unknown or several, to choose the means of influence is not easy.
Bacteria are the reason that the disease takes a form that is difficult tolerated. The health of the patient is very heavy. But this type of infection is fairly easy to identify, then pick him proper treatment will be simple: it involves first and foremost antibiotics.
Viruses and fungi are diagnosed with a greater degree of complexity.
The symptoms of pneumonia is often uncertain, the clinical picture is blurred. And treat disease begins either incorrect or quite late. Often this disease has a prolonged and undulating character. And this makes it clearly understood: the patient is still unwell or is already recovering.
If medicines are selected incorrectly, the complications of the disease more than possible. But problems arise sometimes in the case of properly conducted therapy. The reason for this may be the condition of the patient at the time of occurrence of the disease or follow the doctor's recommendations.
Correct diagnosis
To prevent the appearance of undesirable conditions caused by complications inflammatory processes in the lung tissue, it is crucial to contact a health facility and anotherthe early stages to determine the disease.
Quite often, the nature of the disease, the doctor may determine when listening with a stethoscope: features of the breath, the presence of a characteristic "wheezing" allow pre-diagnosis. If you suspect that the patient is ill with pneumonia, after inspection and anamnesis will be assigned to examinations, which involve the following: General blood test, blood biochemistry, x-ray chest films. The tests provide an opportunity to assess the overall state of health, confirm the development in the body the inflammatory process. Spot, that is, the presence of darkening of the lung tissue, are shown on the x-ray is evidence of pathological processes, which confirms the conclusion of the doctor.
The different effects of pneumonia
We can distinguish several types of severe or pathological conditions that are complications of pneumonia. All of them can be divided into two large groups:
- Painful conditions that develop in the bronchial system and lungs.
- Condition associated with diseases of the respiratory system.
In the first case we can expect the development of chronic bronchitis, respiratory failure, fibrosis, or lung abscess, pulmonary edema.
Problems not associated with ailing bodies, are a manifestation of General weakness, fatigue of the person frequent dizziness can also be detected by the development of anemia, endocarditis, meningitis, is caused infectious-toxic shock.
The possibility of complications
In the case where due to wrong treatment or lowering the body's resistance the disease takes a chronic form, developing an abscess or other severe lung disease, there is an urgent need for a thorough and comprehensive examination and correction of treatment. Sometimes you may need surgery to remove sklerozirovanie tissue or pus.
If determined by the penetration of infection in other body systems, in hospital (ICU), the patient should be carried out detoxification and antibacterial therapy.
Conditions associated with symptoms of fatigue, weakness, anemia, removed by careful compliance with prescribed medical regime, proper nutrition, appropriate opportunities for patient physical activity.
To prevent or minimize the consequences of the disease is possible only if you realize that pneumonia is a disease that requires early detection and effective treatment are strictly under the supervisiondoctors. Otherwise, even an adult risking their health and sometimes life.