Features of Streptococcus pneumonia
Streptococcus pneumonia is an inflammatory process localized in the lung tissue.
His education can cause bacteria of the genus Streptococcus pneumoniae. The disease is not as common, the patient's age is irrelevant. Given the specific characteristics of the pathogen, strep pneumonia develops acutely. Extremely rare the disease is asymptomatic.
Factors, influencing its development
To date, there are several ways of infection in which the infection enters the lungs. This is mainly due to mechanical or direct penetration of bacteria from the external environment in the human body.
The main causes of pneumonia are:
- Any infection in the lung tissue through infected blood. This phenomenon occurs in the presence of a severe bacterial inflammation, which is localized in other organs. This is typical of sepsis.
- Nodal penetration of the virus into the body. Extremely rare, but extremely hazardous.
- Penetration through the external environment on the mucous membranes. Once the bacterium enters the body, it immediately goes to the lungs.
The respiratory system is the optimal breeding ground for strep. With the rapid development of the inflammatory process pathogen is able to penetrate into the pleural cavity. This leads to the appearance of exudative pleurisy.
The clinical picture
This type of pneumonia is characterized by acute onset. Man suddenly overcome by a fever, shortness of breath, coughing, and a strong pain in the chest. Streptococcal pneumonia in its course and manifestations similar to pneumococcal type of disease. During an acute attack there is a heavy cough, is complemented by a Muco-purulent sputum. Perhaps a nasty sore throat.
Percussion and auscultation symptoms were not in all cases manifest itself. This is due to the small lesions. Initially, the disease covers one segment of the lung, gradually, the inflammatory process begins to spread. This leads to increased inflammation.
A characteristic feature of the disease is the development of exudative pleurisy. The first symptoms may appear after3 days after onset of illness. Does not exclude the development of abscesses in the lesions. If there is empyema, notice its highly x-ray examination.
At the first symptoms should immediately call an ambulance.
Diagnosis of the pathological process
The rapid onset of the disease requires mandatory consultation with a doctor. A specialist will be able to stop the inflammatory process in the early stages. A correct diagnosis increases the chances of successful treatment. Previously, he is in the presence of several prerequisites. Among them include:
- past illnesses, particularly influenza and pertussis;
- acutely manifested symptoms;
- the presence of exudative pleurisy;
- detection of deviations in the study of blood.
The primary diagnosis represents the collection of accurate and reliable history. We then investigate the sound in the intended lesion. Auscultation auscultation to determine areas the shortness of breath and presence of wheezing. The particular effect of the x-ray shows. Full story complements the study of blood. Thanks to him, tracks the level of white blood cells, changes in erythrocyte sedimentation rate and the presence of thrombocytopenia.
To make an accurate diagnosis and identify the presence of pneumonia allow microbiological studies. Bacterial analysis is aimed at identifying the main causative agent and its quantitative content in the body.
For an accurate diagnosis resort to the help of differential methods, including ultrasound, CT and MRI. All complemented by biological and biochemical research.
Methods of dealing with the disease
Treatment of pneumonia involves a whole range of measures. It all starts with the application of the antibiotic penicillin. Perfect, tools such as Amoxicillin or Ampicillin. If allergic to these drugs may use Vancomycin. The optimal dosage and duration of therapy prescribed by your doctor.
Along with medication, resort to the help of physiotherapy and special physical education.
To complement the complex of measures on elimination of pneumonia is necessary with breathing exercises.
Physiotherapy to accelerate the healing process. If the disease is accompanied by severe fever and symptoms of severe intoxication, physical therapy is notused. In this case, it is recommended to use banks, mustard, and do special packs.
Electrophoresis. This method is useful in pneumonia, it allows you to accelerate the resorption and reduce inflammation of the lesion. During this procedure by using calcium chloride and lidaza. If the patient is pronounced bronchospastic syndrome, use of magnesium sulfate. In the presence of severe pain use novocaine.
Inhalation therapy. It allows you to improve ventilation and reduce inflammation. Assigns it solely to the attending physician. It all depends on the phase of pneumonia and its flow. As inhalation is often used Bioparoks.
Electric field UHF. This method is necessary in order to provoke resorption of the lesion in a shorter time. Its action is directed on strengthening of blood circulation and reduction of signs of intoxication.
Inductothermy. This method consists in influence on an organism of a special magnetic field of high frequency. This allows you to speed up the metabolism, enhance lymph circulation and relax the smooth muscles. This method is resorted to in the aseptic order.
UHF therapy. Its effect is the influence on the body waves of different frequencies. Applied therapy to improve breathing and relieve inflammation.
Application and acupuncture. When the main symptoms begin to subside, resort to these methods. They can improve body functions and to get rid of autonomic-somatic failures.
Physiotherapy methods are widely used to treat both children and adults. One medical treatment is too small for full recovery of lung function. The elimination of the disease should be comprehensive.
This method allows to improve the overall condition and mobility of his chest. Physiotherapy is aimed at restoring airway and enrichment of tissues with oxygen.
Special exercises can be performed in the case where the body temperature is reduced. If the patient's condition is unsatisfactory, the method is not assigned.
In acute pneumonia the victim is recommended 3-4 hours a day to lie on the healthy side. It promotes oxygenation and helps to avoid the development of adhesions.
With constant presence in the stomach they are formed rather quickly. The supine position leads to the development of adhesionsbetween the anterior chest wall and diaphragmatic pleura.
To stimulate sputum production and lower body temperature will help of special breathing exercises. The technique involves the inhalation of air by the nose, and exhalation with his mouth. Thus it is necessary to put a little pressure on the chest.
When the patient will feel better, add exercises for your arms, legs, and torso. They can be made in the lying and sitting. With a significant improvement and the transfer of the patient on bed rest adds walking and Cycling.
The exercise requires the observance of special equipment. On the inhale, the person needs to straighten the body, hands to dissolve in hand. On the exhale, the body is bent, the upper limb is returned to its original position. Neglect of technology and the more the exercise is not worth it. This is a very important part of the treatment, which will speed up the recovery process.