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The main symptoms of indolent pneumonia

Indolent pneumonia symptoms is rather weak. This type of pneumonia affects minor areas. Another name for indolent pneumonia is bronchial pneumonia. To trigger the development of disease are a variety of viruses or bacteria.

problema vyalotekushej pnevmonii

Symptoms of disease manifestations

The main signs of progressive disease:

  • high fever;
  • the feeling of chills;
  • the presence of dry cough with little sputum;
  • pain in the chest area;
  • the increase in body temperature;
  • a General feeling of weakness in the body;
  • excessive fatigue.

oznob - simptom vyalotekushej pnevmonii

As a rule, the disease begins to progress from the moment when there is inflammation in the bronchi, which is why the disease is also called bronchopneumonia.

Often immediately identify the disease does not work. In most cases, this applies to young people. The disease is manifested by acute symptoms. There is a sharp increase in body temperature to the level of about 38-38,5°C. Occurs heavy breathing with shortness of breath. In the period of progression of focal inflammation of the lungs accompanied by excessive sweating of a person.

The child begins breathing fast, about 25 to 30 breaths per 60 seconds. Bright symptoms include tachycardia (about 100 beats per minute). There are not too noticeable change in voice, wheezing in the chest.

The causes of the progression of the disease

As a rule, indolent inflammation of the lungs begins to progress on the background of complications of acute respiratory infections, which can be done together with bronchitis. Sometimes, there are cases during the epidemic of influenza. This occurs due to the fact that the influenza virus affect the immune system, resulting in the penetration of opportunistic and virulent flora in the respiratory tract. The disease can lead to many other diseases, such as whooping cough, purulent otitis, peritonitis, dysentery, typhoid and other ailments.

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Approximately 80% of the cases the occurrence of indolent inflammation of the lungs occurs with exposure to pneumococci. Pneumonia focal species can be divided into two types.

  1. Primary view.
  2. A secondary.

There are many factors that can influence the development of focal pneumonia. Acute or chronic diseases may contribute to the development of pneumonia, such as the presence of diabetesor of the tumor. More vulnerable patients who have recently undergone surgery or had previously received severe injuries.

Known cases when people have that long time should be only in horizontal position on the back, was a violation of the ventilation properties of the lung and the occurrence of congestion. As a result began to progress, the inflammation of the lung, but the stagnant shape.

Basic errors in the treatment of

There is a misconception that vaccination against this disease does not exist. The vaccine is, and invented it long ago, but its action has a positive result only when the cause of disease was the single pathogen is Streptococcus pneumoniae.

If diagnosed with pneumonia, it is strictly prohibited to use antibiotics. Greater impact medications that possess anti-inflammatory action.

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One of the main reasons that progresses to an advanced stage disease that is a severe change in temperature.

That is why you start treatment necessary when using heat.

But do not overdo it or go in the bath or the sauna as excessive rise in body temperature will have a strong load on the cardiovascular system.

In the period when the patient is sweating, the heart may simply not survive.

To lower the body temperature, it is necessary to apply a special cold packs that need to change after an hour.

If the body temperature reached 37 degrees, you can use a special mustard, which must be placed on the chest.

If the body temperature reached 40 degrees, alarming your body with unnecessary movements are strictly prohibited. But in the period when the temperature fell to a level of 37°C, in order to light avoid stagnation, doctors can prescribe special physical therapy. A positive result will appear after you perform a special breathing exercises.

Methods of treatment

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The treatment is based on a certain combination of medicines. The treatment lasts at least two weeks.

Prescribe medications that possess anti-inflammatory properties and which promote expectoration and dilution of mucus.

Also recommended are special vitamins that can enhance the immune system of the patient. According to statistics, in 75% of cases the treatment of pneumonia can be done at home.

In order to reduce the cough,it is recommended to drink a decoction made from dark raisins. To do this, take 1 tbsp. of raisins and chop it up, it is best to grind in a meat grinder, and pour about 0.5 liters of hot water. After that, you need content to put on a small fire and cook for 5 minutes. After this time the broth should be cool and drain. To use the prepared broth is needed during the day, one glass.

To remove the symptoms of inflammation of the lungs, it is necessary to use the Fig milk. To prepare it quite easily. You need to prepare 5 dried figs, and pour approximately 0.5 l of hot milk. Next, you need to put on a slow fire and boil for about 10 minutes. Should be consumed once a day for a hot Cup of milk.

You need to prepare 2 tablespoons of oats and the same quantity of raisins, mix well. Next, you pour one liter of boiling water and put in oven. Keep it there you need to until all the liquid has evaporated. Then strain the contents through a fine sieve or cheesecloth and add a small amount of honey. To use the resulting medicine need no less than four times a day, half a Cup.

When there is respiratory dysfunction, is used the treatment using oxygen therapy. If diagnosed with a heart disorder, then the appointment of a special heart drugs and diuretics. In a period when there is a disappearance of the acute stage of pneumonia may be prescribed special physiotherapy treatment in medical electrophoresis or chest compressions. The prognosis after treatment is positive, but patients still need another six months to go to the checkups.

Adult patients after visiting the doctor can perform the treatment at home. But, if a positive result is not observed, and only a deteriorating health condition, you should immediately seek the assistance of qualified professionals, as may require hospitalization.