The first symptoms and treatment of lung cancer
The first symptoms of lung cancer is non-specific, they resemble symptoms of many ailments that can develop in the respiratory system. This is the reason why patients are reluctant to seek help from professionals. Lung cancer - the name of a group of tumors with malignant nature. Area the primary localization of the tumor process are the cells of the bronchi and parenchyma of the lungs. Most early stage lung cancer can be treated using the methods of chemotherapy and surgery. In case of detection of cancer in the later stages the prognosis is generally poor.
In the process of progression of disease is metastasis of cancer cells throughout the body, which leads to the emergence of metastases in organs and healthy tissues.
Diagnosing lung cancer at an early stage is essential to effective treatment.
Symptoms of lung cancer
Patient, in which the disease is detected, concerned about the early symptoms of lung cancer that manifests in the form:
- wheezing sound when breathing exercise;
- shortness of breath;
- dry cough or with phlegm.
If you experience cough in the last may be present traces of blood. Additionally, the development of disease can develop following the first symptoms of lung cancer:
- loss of vitality;
- lethargy;
- sluggishness of the body;
- the rise in temperature without apparent reason.
If you experience a person's body temperature rises appear difficulties with the diagnosis of the disease, as most often this symptom is perceived as a sign of development of chronic bronchitis and pneumonia.
These are the first signs of lung cancer, like shortness of breath and persistent cough, often forced to refer the patient for help from a specialist to a medical facility. It is worth noting that the cough could signal the transition of the disease into a more severe phase of development.
If the first signs of the disease went unnoticed and treatment is not carried out, the patient's condition over time is much worse. If untreated, the disease begins to progress quickly which leads to lesions of neighboring organs. Defeat of organs and systems leads to more obvious symptoms. Most often, we observed infiltration of metastases in bone, liver, adrenal glands and brain.
With long-term development of the disease in humans the following symptomsthe progression of the disease:
- obstructive jaundice;
- breaches having neuralgic nature;
- palpitations and heart rhythm disturbance;
- pain in the bones;
- difficulties in the implementation of swallowing acts.
The appearance of these symptoms forced the patient to visit specialists of different profiles.
The appearance of external signs may indicate progression of the disease. The main external signs of the disease are:
- swelling of the upper half of the body;
- the appearance of pallor of the skin;
- extension of saphenous veins;
- inflammation of the lymph nodes.
These features characterize the development of the Central cancer, in contrast, peripheral cancer develops almost asymptomatic.
Diagnosis, stages of development and varieties of lung cancer
The diagnosis of cancer in the early stages of development is associated with certain difficulties, as the findings do not always reflect the full picture of the development of the disease.
Early stage of cancer development is most often perceived by patients as a usual pneumonia.
The main method of cancer detection today is x-ray. In addition to radiography for the diagnosis of developing cancer using a computer, magnetic resonance and positron emission tomography. If necessary, the specialist conducting the diagnosis, may prescribe additional examination of the body of the patient with bronchoscopy and mediastinoscopy.
Experts in the field of oncological diseases are classification of the disease by the differences that appear when conducting a histological examination of lesions tumors. Specialists are the following types of cancer lung disease:
- squamous cell carcinoma;
- small-cell;
- large-cell carcinoma;
- glandular cancer.
Squamous cell type cancers are characterized by slow progression and absence of metastases for a long time. Glandular type of cancer has a long period of development. However, this type of disease characteristic of rapid spread of cancer cells throughout the body by the bloodstream. Large-cell carcinoma and small cell types of cancers develop very rapidly. These forms of the disease are characterized by early appearance of metastases.
Depending on the degree of progression of disease experts distinguish 5 stages of development of cancereducation.
Zero stage of the disease characterized by the formation of clusters of tumor cells. Upon reaching the first stage there is the appearance of local tumor formation with size up to 3 cm When reaching the cancer education the second stage, the tumor increases in size, but revealed the presence of damage to the lymph nodes. In the third stage of the formation of cancerous lesion there is an increase of the tumor and formation of metastasis in adjacent organs. The fourth stage is characterized by development of tumors of any size and active metastasis to other organs and tissues of the body.
Causes and risk factors of cancer
Human lungs are the only organ which is directly in contact with the environment. Coming into the lungs to reach the alveoli in an immutable form. Microparticles that are present in the inhaled air, linger on the walls of the mucosa. In connection with constant contact with the external environment of the mucous epithelium of the lungs has a high rate of cell renewal.
The composition of the inhaled air consists of various aggressive components that settle in the microvilli of the epithelium.
When reducing the protective properties of cells of epithelial tissues are affected external pathogenic factors, which increases the probability of occurrence of different mutations that cause the appearance of tumors.
Potential causes of lung cancer can be:
- the increased rate of apoptosis of the epithelium;
- relative malonamides tissue that is part of the body.
The likelihood of developing a cancer illness directly related to age and the presence of genetic differences and also by the presence in the organism of chronic lung diseases.
Often arise cancer foci in the lungs in people who for a long time exposed to physical, chemical and biological factors, and those who have a genetic predisposition. The main risk factors are:
- carcinogens in tobacco smoke;
- natural radiation is radon;
- age-related changes in the body;
- the presence of a genetic predisposition;
- factors associated with professional activity.
- endogenous factors.
In some patients, the causes of cancer are unclear, and the use of modern methods of examination does not allow to define them.
Treatment of lung cancer
Today, modern medicine has developed several methods of influence on the organism used in the treatment of cancer. Basic methodstreatment:
- surgical;
- radiation therapy;
- chemotherapy;
- folk remedies.
Surgical method of treatment is surgery. Doctor performs surgery on cancerous body.
In the course of surgery is removal of all tumor foci. The complexity of the method lies in the fact that during the operation you want to delete absolutely all cancer cells, otherwise, recurrence of the disease.
The application of this method of treatment is effective during the operation for cancer centers that have not reached the fourth stage of development. Upon reaching the cancer stage four surgery cannot guarantee a cure from disease.
The use of radiation therapy is used in the treatment of cancer to ionizing radiation. The efficiency of this method is high enough, but the drawback is the large number of side effects.
The use of chemotherapy is based on administering to the body a special medicines, whose action is aimed at the destruction and suppression of the development of cancer cells. Used drugs do not harm intact cells.
As methods of folk medicine for the treatment of cancer are various herbs and milk.
Cancer is a disease, the detection of which every day counts. In case of the slightest suspicion on the development of lung cancer in the body it is necessary to consult a specialist.