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What should be the diet for lung cancer

About what should be the diet for lung cancer, everyone should know patients. Methods of modernity, designed for healing from cancer, are not perfect, so not the last role is played by food products. Proper diet for lung cancer plays a vital role. To keep yourself in optimal healthy shape, it is necessary that the body receives all the necessary nutrients.

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But in cancer patients there is always a good appetite, quite the contrary. Diet for lung cancer should be knowledgeable nutritionist, the experience of which will allow you to compile a balanced menu every day.

Mandatory the table should be lean meats chicken or rabbit, which is easily absorbed by the body. Vegetables and fruits in large quantity. We recommend that you drink only pure filtered water, if the tea, green or herbal. The performance of chemotherapy can increase taking anticancer extracts of special herbs and teas.

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In addition, in the daily diet should be eggs, not leading to weight gain and providing the diseased organism with valuable substances. The best advice of doctors to patients recovering from chemotherapy, is to avoid those foods to which you have intuitive and persistent hostility. For example, many cancer patients as a concomitant disease, there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract and is not acceptable wholemeal bread. In lung Oncology should not tempt fate, but rather to establish a taboo on a number of products that:

  1. Have been canning and contain in their composition of chemical additives.
  2. Made from low grade meat, sausage.
  3. Were Smoking and pickling – have poor digestibility.
  4. Contain large amounts of sugar, the baking.
  5. Are fatty foods of animal origin.
  6. Are alcoholic drinks and coffee.

What you need to focus

Surgery, chemotherapy, irradiation is sufficiently aggressive therapies aimed at inhibition of cancer cells and negatively affect the content of protein in the body. Therefore, the attending physician strongly advised to replenish them by eating foods containing protein in sufficient quantity to bring the recovery. The main suppliers of protein in the human body is a bird, fish and meat.

foods for lung health" alt="Dairy products for lung health">

Problem patients undergoing rehabilitation after the course of treatment aimed at healing from lung cancer, is the difficulty to eat these healthy foods because of discomfort – gagging. Alternatively, you can use less heavy to digest by the body and calories:

  1. Milk and milk products.
  2. Eggs.
  3. Soy beans, legumes, nuts, and vegetable oils.
  4. Cinnamon, curry and other spices with bold flavors.

In the treatment of cancer nutritionists recommend eating protein in its natural form, but if it does not bring the desired result, then added to dietary supplements – powders, whey. If you have difficulty swallowing, these components are mixed with pureed food, such as mashed potatoes, smoothies. The negative impact of the disease and the side effect of chemical exposures during and after treatment – a dramatic loss in weight with cancer patients, which can lead to other problems. It is precisely because all processes in the body at this moment aimed at fighting and resistance to disease, its resources can quickly be depleted, and need to be rebuilt regularly taking the correct foods. Often the loss of body weight is too large, and then the body does not have enough defensive forces to resist, and the effectiveness of the treatment leaves much to be desired.

How to mitigate the effects after the treatment of lung cancer

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Almost all patients undergoing treatment with chemicals, are suffering: their suffers from constant nausea. To smooth out this unpleasant phenomenon, you need to eat foods that have proven themselves as having antiemetic effects. This is ginger, and foods having a high starch content. Gag reflex and vertigo can often serve as a signal that the body is dehydrated, say oncologists.

Therefore, a sufficient amount of fluid in the diet (up to two liters) is an integral part of treatment in malignant tumors, softening the negative impact of certain drugs on the kidneys that are suffering from cancer. It is better to drink pure water, natural freshly squeezed juices, the liquid is enriched with minerals, which will select the doctor. Will benefit a change in tactics of power, since in cancer patients there is a lack of appetite. Therefore, the solution can be food small portions of food, but much more often (up to six times per day) and change of usual andboring situation. Not so difficult to arrange a picnic for the person after discharge from the hospital. All prepared dishes should not be fried. Welcome boiled, stewed, steam products.

The benefits of tomatoes for cancer patients

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Scientists claim that lycopene – a powerful antioxidant which is a substance that blocks free radicals that can damage cells in the human body, which is important in the treatment of lung cancer. Tomato contains is a useful substance in large amounts.

Tomato paste, prepared from this vegetable has even more lycopene than fresh tomatoes due to adsorption of the substance in the gastro-intestinal tract by means of heat treatment.

Lycopene has a protective effect in complex treatment of cancer and prevents the spread of metastases. Studies show that this antioxidant prevents the growth of malignant lung tumors, as well as his eating has no negative consequences.

Cooking recipes for lung cancer

The diet should be enough greens, berries, grapes, nettles, young leaves and stems of the dandelion. Recipes of salads from greens and vegetables, soups, great variety, imagination and personal preferences will help you choose something specific.

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Do not forget about the list of prohibited products. Sample menu for a day for cancer patients might be: for Breakfast eat one medium Apple and drink the juice from a couple oranges, the store is not natural and carries no tangible benefit.

A little later is preferable to use, omelette, steamed, and a salad of tomatoes 1-2. You can add a slice of black bread, and it is better to use a diet, easy to digest bread, which is especially important for people suffering from cancer. In their manufacture do not apply the yeast substance, consisting of harmful chemical ingredients. Green tea with lemon will benefit in lung cancer.

Lunch will be soup with vegetables, avocado salad (it has a lot of useful polyunsaturated fat), boiled chicken with braised cabbage. As a useful and contain a lot of vitamins and minerals beverage well suited to the broth hips with honey.

Dinner should be light, but at the same time to include nutritious high-calorie foods. For example, it may be a handful of nuts or dried fruits, turnips or rutabagas, steamed, a Cup of quality green tea.Before bedtime is useful to have a bit of natural yogurt average fat content, does not contain dyes and preservatives.

This product it is possible to cook by yourself, with a special yeast that is not a problem to buy in a large supermarket.