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As flow stage lung cancer?

In medicine there are 4 stages of lung cancer, the difference between which is in size and the degree of destruction of healthy tissues and body systems. Lung cancer is the most common cancer in the world. It is observed malignant tumors of different sizes, affecting most often (95%) of epithelial tissue of the bronchi. It can be localized in the center of the lung, on its periphery and mixed (mass). If tumors occur in the epithelium of the bronchi and bronchioles, such cancer is called bronchial (bronchial carcinoma).

shema raka legkogoBut it happens that tumors of malignant character occur from the pleural cavity of the lungs called mesothelioma. The most rare are the cases when a cancer occurs in the supporting tissues. A malignant neoplasm (regardless of which it grows-has its own morphological characteristics. It is important to understand that the determination of such characteristics determine the choice of treatment at different stages of lung cancer. Thus, neoplasms in the lungs may be small cell, squamous, large-cell carcinoma, and mixed in the form of adenocarcinoma.

Causes and symptoms

kashel - simptom raka legkihOn the basis of statistical data, in 80% of cases of lung cancer diagnosed in smokers. The remaining 20% of cases occur in the influence of harmful factors: people constantly inhale heavy metals, asbestos dust, radon, CHLOROTHALONIL live and more. And this is not surprising, because the lungs as an organ of air breathing accumulate all the toxic substances from the environment. And lungs of a smoker 10 years or more resemble charred fabric black and blue. It is literally possible to see the accumulation of carcinogens. Also at risk include people with chronic inflammatory diseases and other pathologies.

Symptoms of lung cancer can be divided into primary, which signal its presence, and the secondary (it is usually referred to symptoms of metastasis in the late stages of cancer. So, the primary symptoms include:

  • shortness of breath and cough;
  • pain in the region of the thoracic;
  • the presence of blood in sputum;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • constant lack of energy;
  • the emergence of high fever without cause;
  • paraneoplastic syndrome (in the presence of hypernatremia, hypertrophic Charcot osteoarthropathy and hypercalcemia).

snizhenie ostroty zreniya - simptom raka legkihIn most cases, the manifestation of even the most part primarysymptoms patients with lung cancer do not apply for examination to the hospital. But even the persistence of the sluggish bronchitis, and pneumonia (pneumonia) with increased body temperature, may be also from a number of primary signs of lung cancer.

In 15% of cases, this type of cancer in the initial stage remains completely undetected. The only chance to identify before it gives fluorography examination, which is compulsory from year to year. Metastasis of lung cancer is accompanied by excruciating pain. If the Mets have struck the brain, revealed the different symptoms of neurological nature, for example, decreased visual acuity, headaches, spasmodic symptoms, feeling of weakness in muscles, numbness in different parts of the body.

The stage of disease and their character

In the determination of a particular stage of lung cancer focus primarily on such indicators as size of the tumor, the nature of its penetration in the tissue and metastasis to surrounding organs and systems.

Each cancer has a set of methods of treatment. And the prognosis of cancer is always exacerbated by their neglect. At the first stage of lung cancer tumors identified, usually small in size and no metastasis. Its average size may be slightly larger or smaller than 3 cm On the background of this first stage is different from the second, third and fourth absence of metastases, it does not involve the pleura and regional lymph nodes. Three other stages of lung cancer are more dangerous to health and have significantly lower forecast.

The second stage of lung cancer is described in the same way as the first, but it observed metastases in the bronchial lymph nodes. Third stage lung cancer can be divided into two categories. When one of them touches chest wall, visceral or mediastinal pleura with metastasis to the bronchial or mediastinal lymph nodes on the opposite side. And the second is characterized by the germination of metastases in blood vessels, esophagus, spine and heart. While it is often the metastases of bronchopulmonary impress also other regional lymph nodes on the opposite side. Lung cancer (stage 3) is considered the latest regarding lesions of the body.

Fourth (terminal) stage includes the process of metastasis to distant parts of the body, is due directly to lung cancer. This last stage leaves no chance for recovery and survival of life on some long probation period. The first and second stages of lung cancer have the most favorable prognosis, although the fact of occurrence of metastases decreases the probability of recovery several times. Soimportant early diagnosis of all cancers. Thanks to the timely treatment to the doctor to maintain health and avoid painful treatment.