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The treatment of sore throats in children

After the establishment of physician diagnosis treatment of angina in children is mainly carried out with the help of antibiotics. For those who don't know what the illness is strep throat is a contagious disease transmitted through drip infection. Angina severe pain in the throat, hard to swallow, concerned about the high temperature, and sometimes severe headache.

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Symptoms of sore throat in a child

The symptoms of tonsillitis the child develops within a few days. Its main characteristics are:

  • severe pain in the throat, impeding swallowing (children are reluctant to eat);
  • the tonsils are enlarged, there is purulent plaque, in extreme cases - difficulty breathing;
  • pain radiating to the ear;
  • high fever (40°C);
  • a feeling of weakness and General weakness;
  • pain in bones and joints;
  • abdominal pain;
  • vomiting;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • lack of appetite;
  • slurred speech.

primenenie preparatov dlya lecheniya anginyThe symptoms disappear within a few days. Weakness and low-grade fever may persist longer. Tonsillitis in children can occur with some complications:

  • rheumatic fever, now rare because of effective antibiotic therapy;
  • glomerulonephritis is suspected when the child has hematuria, edema, high blood pressure;
  • abscess of the tonsils, which is a local complication is suspected, when the child has lockjaw, it changes the timbre of the voice, increased fever, foul odor from the mouth;
  • sinusitis.

The diagnosis of angina in a child is most often placed on the basis of the clinical picture and anamnesis. In doubtful cases it is possible to make a bacteriological examination of the smear from the throat. You can also run a quick test for strep, and the result is available in 10 minutes. Visual examination may be necessary in the suspicion of complications (e.g., peritonsillar abscess).

On the basis of symptoms differ from a regular sore throat tonsillitis or inflammation of the throat. Tonsillitis affects mostly children aged 4-7 years old. It is easy to be ill with quinsy and can be in hot weather. The disease most often occurs in the spring and summer. To inflammation of the tonsils and pharynx often bring abrupt changes in temperature, such as ice cream or chilled drinks on hot days. Contamination also contributes to clogged nose and breathing through the mouth.

Treatment of sore throat in a child

How to treat a sore throat in children? Treatment a bacterial sore throat in a child is to use doctor antibiotic therapy.When I suspect that the cause of the disease - viral infection requires medication for angina for children with antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, local anesthetic action. In the case of airway obstruction in the treatment methods used inhaled - corticosteroids. The treatment of angina should last about 10 days.

konsultaciya vrachaIn situations when the enlarged tonsils obstruct breathing or if you suspect complications can be a needed hospitalization. In relieving the pain in the throat can be useful for sucking lollipops, and applying warm compresses to the neck. Relief child also brings gargling remedies with anti-inflammatory action, for example, infusion of sage, chamomile or salt solution (1 teaspoon per 0.5 liters of water).

To reduce the temperature of the body can use the drugs available in pharmacies without a prescription. In children under 12 years of his life as drugs with antipyretic activity, do not use salicylates, for example acetylsalicylic acid, given the possibility of liver damage.

During the treatment, be aware of suitable diet. Nutrition for the patient should be liquid, preferably in the form of porridges, so as not to irritate the throat even more. You can give soups, puddings, boiled and pureed fruits.

The dishes should be cold or slightly warm. In fever, we recommend taking large amounts of fluid, for example, slightly chilled tea with lemon and honey. If the inflammation of the tonsils and pharynx caused by bacteria from the group of streptococci, after the disease is recommended to perform basic laboratory studies: blood count, ESR, urinalysis and ECG.

Relapses and complications of sore throat

Some children, especially those with low immunity, there is a recurrence of angina even every 2-3 weeks. If the infection returns, should pass a swab from the throat and to determine which strain of bacteria causing a sore throat. Then for treatment of the disease can be sure to pick up an antibiotic. It is necessary to maintain the child's immune system. Recurrent angina require advice from laryngology. In the case of septic sore throat in some cases, necessary procedure removal of tonsils.

When the treatment of angina begins too late or lasts too short a time, you may experience complications. The most common is an abscess of the tonsils. Abscesses most often occur when angina is difficult to treat, i.e., the antibiotic has no effect on these strains of bacteria or the dose is too small. In the treatment of the abscess required surgical intervention and removal of purulent formations. Further treatment is the use of antibiotics approximatelywithin 12 days.

What complications can occur when passing a sore throat? This:

  • inflammation of the sinuses;
  • inflammation of the middle ear;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck;
  • mastoiditis;
  • inflammation of the meninges;
  • inflammation of the lungs;
  • inflammation of the kidneys;
  • infectious endocarditis.

Recurrent sore throats usually are caused by bacteria of the group Streptococcus. Streptococcus is a very insidious disease-causing microbes, as they stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies that can attack the heart and kidneys. Common complication of recurrent bacterial infections is hypertrophy of the tonsils. Symptoms complications are a runny nose, headaches, difficulty breathing and swallowing.

Prevention of sore throats

How to avoid infection with flu? Prevention lies mainly in the isolation of the child from the sick and the early inclusion of antibiotics in treatment. You should accustom your baby to a change in the weather, changes in temperature or emergency situations, for example, wet shoes. A good option here would be training. The child needs to move and spend time in the fresh air. Experts recommend a daily 2 hour walk.

The apartment should not be too hot, i.e. the temperature should not exceed 19-20 degrees. In addition, be aware of the systematic ventilation of the room and the absolute prohibition of Smoking. Can be tempered baby shower alternately hot and cold water, and recommend him to walk around the apartment barefoot and in light clothing.

Outside the home you need to pay attention to how the child is dressed.

It is very important that it does not overheat. Need to move more: ran, biked, swam, etc. In the case hardening is very important regularity. Thanks to her, the body will develop its own methods of defense. A good idea is climate change: the departure into the mountains to the sea, in the village or in the resort at least 2 weeks. Then the body is kind of training the immune system to adapt to new conditions.