What is the prevention of diseases of the respiratory system?
Timely prevention of respiratory diseases could be protected from quite serious problems, to underestimate which is very dangerous. Because diseases of this important system of the body are not only colds, which most people are undeservedly lightly.
Diseases of the respiratory system
Diseases affecting the bronchi or lungs, are severe, sometimes even deadly test for a person.
Unfortunately, there is quite a high probability to face such problems as:
- Tuberculosis of the lungs. The infection is transmitted in the moment of personal contact through airborne droplets.
- Pleurisy. The pus that accumulates in the tissues, affects the lungs. This can cause bleeding. The process of breathing becomes much more difficult. Therapeutic measures is surgery.
- Pneumonia (pneumonia). The infection affects the respiratory system, causing swelling of the mucous membranes. The body fails to receive the required amount of oxygen, anemia.
- Croup is the Deposit of pus in the throat, larynx and mucous membranes. Respiration very difficult, sometimes impossible.
All these diseases can become deadly. But even if to an ordinary cold, accompanied by cough and sneezing, to take seriously enough, to carry the disease "on their feet", to neglect doctor's appointments, serious consequences in the form of complicated forms of the disease will not keep you waiting. In addition, the infection can affect other organs. Man weakens, the body's defenses can not cope with the problems. In order not to aggravate the painful situation, must be on time and properly treat the disease.
Preventive measures - an intelligent solution
Anticipating a problem is always wiser than the subsequent heavy fighting with her.
All body systems, including respiratory system, equipped with a substantial capacity for protection. This immunity (General and local), and specific ways of getting rid of unwanted "intrusions". For the respiratory system, for example, such protection is the reflex of coughing and sneezing. It helps the body rid itself of excess mucus, dust and other contaminants from entering the nasopharynx. The device of the nasal cavity is a natural barrier to pathogens.
However, how wellworking "security device" as the system can prevent the devastating impact of the infection depends on its fitness and the General conditions surrounding the human body.
Prevention of diseases of the respiratory system can be of three types:
- The strengthening of organism, increasing its protective qualities.
- Specific treatments aimed at improving the work of the nasopharynx, bronchi and lungs.
- Creation of conditions for full and healthy respiratory system.
The process of strengthening of the body and its defense system (the immune system) known to all: it's a way of life. Physical activity, tempering procedures, proper nutrition and avoiding harmful habits - all this makes you strong and helps to resist any disease. But these General guidelines are at the same time, specific instructions on the prevention of diseases of the bronchi, lungs and other respiratory organs.
A trained immune system will help fight enter the body of microbes. But physical activity strengthens the heart muscle and lung capacity depends on its fitness. Getting rid of bad habits is Smoking cessation, which directly destroys the respiratory system and aggravates any disease. Walks in the fresh air and timely ventilation is one of the ways to avoid bronchitis and pneumonia at the same time to train the immune system. Proper and adequate nutrition is one of the methods of prevention of tuberculosis.
As methods to prevent disease of the respiratory organs, include:
- Breathing exercises.
- Inhalation of medicinal substances.
- Preventive therapeutic measures.
The ability to breathe correctly stimulates the nerve endings in the nasopharynx, allows the natural "filters" to arrest disease-causing microbes, creates the conditions for heating the air before it gets to the bronchi and lungs. You need to get used to breathing only through the nose.
The structure of this body makes it an excellent barrier for dust, other foreign particles and infecting the body with germs. And numerous blood vessels warm the air you breathe. Getting rid of the habit of breathing through the mouth is a useful preventative measure that prevents diseases.
Special complexes of exercises of respiratory gymnastics is known in many medical andWellness techniques. To learn any complex, it is possible to train the respiratory organs, to stimulate their meals. It should comply with due caution: excessive zeal is not useful, can lead to dizziness and fainting States. It is best to consult with experts.
Inhalation - contact with steam which is saturated is useful for respiratory substances in the human respiratory tract. For inhalation used decoctions and essential oils of plants, having antiseptic, tonic, healing properties. Models are available inhalers, compact and easy to use. Many of them allow you to make the procedure "cold steam". Such methods are a good prevention of diseases and can be used in hospitals and at home. Picking medicinal herbs, it is important to remember about contraindications, possible development of allergic reactions, which can lead to suffocation.
Useful tips
The necessary preventive measures, which in any case cannot be neglected, are the medical methods of prevention of diseases affecting the respiratory organs:
- Timely treatment of problems of the oral cavity and diseases of the nasopharynx. Regular visits to the dentist will prevent the development of possible foci of infection.
- The necessary remedial measures to eliminate breathing problems (eg, adenoids), will allow the organs to function normally.
- Vaccinations and routine examinations (e.g., fluoroscopy) to prevent serious problems.
Creation of conditions for healthy functioning of the human respiratory system is an effective measure barriers to disease.
Such simple measures as cleaning and moisturizing the air in your home is an important prerequisite for the health of the respiratory system, relieve mucous membranes from drying out, do not allow the microorganisms to penetrate into the nasopharynx together with the dust particles. Effective preventive measure is the use of special devices to maintain the desired humidity.
Houseplants, especially those that have large leaves, saturate the air with oxygen and absorb harmful substances that cause diseases. It is important in this case to comply with the measure: an excessive amount of large plants in an enclosed space can lead to the fact that in the dark will be a lack of oxygen. This is especially important when equipment bedrooms.
Properties of forest plants, especially coniferous (pine, juniper)the means of combating diseases of the respiratory system. Walking around the area where they grow, is very useful. Since this is not always possible, it is permissible to use for preventive procedures essential oils of coniferous trees.
The measures, warning of the disease could be considered measures such as wearing gauze bandages, rejection from visiting crowded places during the period of acute illness. Such diseases most often are transmitted by airborne droplets. Relieving the body from the risk of infection, can prevent subsequent complications.