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The main anti-inflammatory nose drops

At the moment, in pharmacies you can find a variety of anti-inflammatory drops for a nose. However, many of them are composed of the same components. The difference in the names of drugs can only be explained by different pharmaceutical manufacturers.

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In this regard, doctors have to adapt in the appointment of patients nasal drops, considering the fact that the means for the nose of local importance are divided into a number of groups. Medicinal drops in this approach can be replaced in the absence of a means without an occurrence of undesirable side effects.

The basis for the preparation of drops

Drops for the treatment of inflammatory processes and alleviation of breathing are made on different bases with the addition of the active medicinal components.

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Water base. All funds of this type have a short-term action for the reason that the absorption process occurs quickly. They have to use more often, which provokes undesirable side-effects: dry mucosa of the sinuses, and the active components get into the blood in excess amount.

On the basis of colloidal solutions. In contrast to the aqueous, colloidal solutions possess a certain viscosity, for this reason, their duration of action much longer. Although with regard to the absorbability, it is similar to those drops that are made on the water.

Oil-based for drops. Despite the variety of drops of oil-based, their range of action differs slightly pronounced efficacy. In addition, gluing the hair inside the sinus, and oil droplets are very harmful for the shell of the nasal mucosa, and the active component is absorbed slowly.

Remedy for nose-based ointment. As this component is used lanolin. These means are more effective than drops in an oil base. However, the ointment also had a negative impact on the mucosa. This remedy is prescribed only in the presence of ulcers and atrophic changes in the nasal cavity.

Subgroup of nasal drops

Conventionally, all drugs used in the form of nasal drops can be divided into the following subgroups:

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  • drugs to narrowing of the blood vessels;
  • thinning secretory droplets;
  • drops containing antibiotics;
  • softening ointment;
  • anti-inflammatory and antibacterial solutions;
  • antiseptic;
  • drops with hormone levels;
  • drops, triggering the regulation of the secretory function of the nasal mucosa;
  • sprays and dropspronounced anti-allergic effect;
  • immunomodulatory drugs;
  • drops, have antiviral effect;
  • homeopathic drugs group.

The above groups have a specific list. Although almost all drugs include a spectrum of withdrawal of inflammation and facilitate breathing, but they can have various side effects. Drug components can be absorbed into the blood varies, and, in order to understand this, you should have an idea about each tool in more detailed form.

The spectrum of action of some drugs

As an example, we can consider separately one drug, belonging to some of the above groups.

The first subgroup (means of narrowing the vessels) is such a drug, as Britain. The main active ingredient is Xylometazoline hydrochloride. It is prescribed for rhinitis in the acute form, caused by both allergens and viruses in the sinus and esthete. Contraindications the main contraindications applies diabetes, intraocular pressure, and atherosclerosis. Cannot be prescribed to children under three years of age, pregnancy, breast-feeding and in glaucoma. Side effects usually occur after an overdose and expressed as burning, sneezing and irritation. Swelling may appear.

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The second subgroup (thinning secretory droplets) can be attributed to such a drug as rinofluimutsil. Its main components is acetylcysteine and tuaminogeptana. Medication well reduces inflammation and has antioxidant properties. If its application is liquefy secretions, thereby eliminating the swelling of the nose. One of the advantages is that the components of the drug has a local effect, not getting into the blood. Drops are usually prescribed in rhinitis of different degrees of complexity and sinusitis. As the side effects are the appearance of dryness in the nasopharynx, allergies and violation of the process of urination.

The drug is contraindicated in glaucoma, closed type, thyrotoxicosis, and individual intolerance.

To the third subgroup with antibiotics applies her very much. It is a antimicrobial agent. The main ingredient is mupirocin active antibiotic with broad spectrum of activity. Once in the blood, the substance gradually completely eliminated from the body by the kidneys. Assigned mainly to patients suffering from bacterial infection, for the treatment of folliculitis and boils. Can be used in conjunction with other medications. As for side effects, they are rare andmanifested in the form of dryness in nose, itching, and hives. The drug should not be prescribed to people with individual intolerance to this component, and in patients older age category.

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The throat belongs to the subgroup of extenuating drugs, has a disinfectant effect and well relieves inflammation in chronic exacerbations of diseases of the nasal cavity and throat. In its long-term use can appear allergic. Drops and sprays is not recommended to assign children under five years of age.

Aqua Maris refers to solutions for nasal irrigation and is a water of the Adriatic sea, contains many active elements. It helps to restore the normal function of the nose, stimulating local immunity, and also helps to remove foreign particles that cause allergies. Appoint water in infectious diseases of the nose chronic enlarged adenoids and after surgery. The drug has no age restrictions on the appointment and does not cause negative side effects.

Additional points

One of the antiseptics is octenisept.

It destroys pathogens, thereby contributing to the inflammation in the nasal mucosa. The tool is not toxic, has been running for a long period of time. In the presence of wounds, burns and pressure sores, it is recommended to apply it in its pure form. And for the treatment of the nose and throat the drug is diluted in half with purified water. Usually octenisept well tolerated in all patients. Adverse effects include temporary disturbance of the taste of some products and the appearance of bitterness in the mouth. Sometimes it may be a burning sensation immediately after treatment, which then disappears. As contraindications you can only select individual intolerance.

Aldecin belongs to the group of hormonal drugs. Prescribed for rhinitis, allergies, hay fever and the incidence of polyps of the nasal cavity. The drug can trigger the Allergy, which is expressed in itching and sneezing, in very rare cases starts bleeding from the nose. Side effects are expressed in the form of nausea, dizziness, fast heartbeat. Very rarely prolonged use may develop cataracts and osteoporosis.

That normalizes the secretion of mucous, is atrovent. Its main component is intratropica bromide. The action drops aims to prevent spasms of the bronchi, disease of the influence of the vagus nerve, as well as relieving inflammation due to the impact of external factors, such as tobacco smoke. Its application is facilitated bybreathing patients.

In fact, anti-inflammatory nose drops have quite a lot of counterparts, all of which are designed to cure the disease and eliminate the discomfort. What kind of product is suitable for the treatment of a disease, this moment should be determined, following the prescriptions of doctors.