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What is psychosomatic rhinitis and other respiratory diseases?

Almost everyone of us is a stuffy nose. Psychosomatics rhinitis psychologists consider different angles. All opinions agree that the nose is the organ responsible for the sense of self - esteem. When he is free and fully functional, people live in harmony with their feelings. Stuffy nose - the projection of inner feelings to the outside world. The person experiences heaviness, dissatisfaction, his dignity infringed.

problema nasmorka

The modern world puts pressure on people. Worst job, loans and mortgages, strife in the family, undercurrent of resentment - it all builds up inside. The feeling of confusion becomes a constant companion. It seems that out of the current situation there, and we blame ourselves. There are times when the self-esteem of underestimate the people around them, constantly paying attention to the shortcomings, pointing out the faults, finding fault. Not surprisingly, the body is protected, because the disease can hide from all problems at home.

Psychological background of asthma

Bronchial asthma is considered a complex and poorly understood disease of the Airways. The body reacts to external stimuli, resulting in a panic attack. It is not always possible to predict which substance will be the catalyst. Suffocation can occur from dust, pollen, stress, fear. When the patient can not cope with their feelings, an asthma attack is most difficult to stop. While choking often stuffy nose, then he starts to catch his breath, trying to get life-saving oxygen.

volnenie kak prichina astmyChildren sometimes use illness to attract attention. Asthma is associated with a sense of inferiority, fear, panic. The attack can occur when an excess of feelings, such as excitement, anxiety, longing.

The patient is unable to cope with life situation, and helps the body to escape. Thus psychosomatics cold obvious. Such people are exposed to excessive anxiety, fearful, emotionally volatile, prone to depressed mood.

Psychologists also explain the appearance of asthma inability to Express negative feelings in other ways, for example through tears. Asthmatic tries to suppress the accumulating negativity, and he, in turn, breaks out in the form of bronchial spasm.

To reduce the frequency of attacks, patients are advised to learn how to let it out. The patient must understand the cause of their fears, then they can handle and they will cease to "choke" it.

Dejected as the cause of influenza

Influenza is an infectious respiratory disease,accompanied by fever, chills, a runny nose, fatigue.

postelnyj rezhim pri grippeThe flu is always associated with the world of interpersonal relations. People suffer from troubles with colleagues, friends, family, and the body "turns on" the protective mechanism. When the diagnosis of influenza the patient shows a bed rest and sleep, at that time restores an inner sense of balance, stabiliziruemost emotional background.

The flu also affects people who are unable to articulate their desires, to understand what to do and how to behave. The stronger the disease, the harder to understand her psychosomatics. The patient feels like a victim of circumstances and sees no way out.

In such a situation, the best solution is not to run away from problems but to understand its causes, to change their attitude. It should be remembered that influenza governs where a weakened immune system, which in turn, decreases the overall negative attitude.

Psychosomatics pneumonia

Pneumonia - pulmonary disease. Lungs filled with air, saturated with oxygen the blood, which carries life throughout the body. The lungs symbolize the inability to get needed. Well as pneumonia associated with special events, from which is breathtaking. Most often it is grief, fear, a dead end. Psychosomatics pneumonia is rooted in severe emotional distress.

The solution to the problem on an emotional level:

perezhitoe gore - prichina pnevmonii

  1. To accept the situation. It is important to understand the cause of fear, stress, depression. Such an event will affect the lives, it is hard to miss. Separate it, draw boundaries. Changes occurred only in some spheres of life, in the rest - all right.
  2. To address the problem in parts. Thus it is possible to gradually proceed to a decision, not slinging yourself from all the work.
  3. To assess the prospects. Take a look at the problem from different angles. Think what would happen if a particular scenario.
  4. To find a solution. The outcome can be anything, all depends on ways to achieve it. Consider all possibilities, even the most fantastic. Perhaps in them lies the same way.
  5. To control the thoughts. Life goes as we set up. Try to think only in a positive way.
  6. Act. The problem is not going anywhere, if you do not meet it. The plan is developed, bring it!

Psychosomatic causes SARS

SARS is a viral disease of the upper respiratory tract, a constant companion which is cold. It is known that, being in the same room with the patient, not each ofthe audience will get sick immediately, but someone does stay healthy. The frequency and severity of respiratory diseases in many respects depends on an emotional background of a person. The disrespect, the betrayal of his own principles and ideas low self-esteem - each of these conditions increases the risk of disease. The immune system is weakened and can not fight off the virus. On the one hand, a person is sick, not to solve the accumulated problems, on the other - the body is fully depleted by disease and stress. So the circle closes, and respiratory diseases are harder.

obida - prichina bronhitaWhile SARS does not always have a psychosomatic basis. A significant role is played by genetic predisposition of the patient. Only a relapse signals the deterioration of the emotional state.

Sometimes the disease helps to satisfy unfulfilled human needs, such as outside care, communication with friends, liking what you do (hobby), relaxation and sleep, which, because of the high importance cannot be ignored. In this case it is necessary to study the problem, and not run away from it. Make time for yourself and your desires.

Bronchitis or hidden resentment

Bronchitis chest squeezes so much that it is impossible to breathe.

Psychologists suggest that this disease is more common in people with hidden resentment.

This condition can last for a long time, sending the roots deeper. Bronchitis often occurs on the basis of the children's resentment that was caused by parents or close friends. A disease acquired in childhood, can become a chronic condition in adult life. Psychosomatics bronchitis is largely similar to the causes of asthma. Unspoken resentment builds up, begins to seek a way out and finds them, squeezing the bronchi, spills cough.

If treatment by conventional means doesn't help, you need to find the psychological problem. The best way to solve is to understand the reasons for the resentment and forgive the person who caused it. To forgive does not work? Then take it as a given, don't blame yourself and don't upset the opponent. Try to change your perception of the situation.

Each of the diseases accompanied by edema of the nasal mucosa, the patient sneezes, coughs. It is widely believed that the main cause of the disease is hypothermia, and the cold is transmitted through contact with a carrier of the infection. Such a setting is embodied in a real disease, and complicate her emotional instability and a weakened immune system. If everyone revised their perception of a cold, healthy people would be much greater.

We can distinguish the following factors contributing to frequentrelapse:

  • personal anxiety;
  • low resistance to stress;
  • depressive disorder;
  • the anxiety and stress;
  • difficulties in social contacts.

For the prevention and treatment necessary to regulate the emotional state. No need to keep the storm inside, feeling proportionate to circumstances, and their output needs to be uniform. No need to dwell and blame yourself all the disasters of the world. Looking for a ongoing events, without delving into the shortcomings. Simple rules will help to achieve stability in mental and physical condition, and diseases remain in the past.