The composition and the use of syrup of licorice
Licorice syrup is a good remedy for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. Thanks to its excellent taste, it became popular in the treatment of diseases in children.
Licorice: structure and distribution
This plant is equally well known under two names - licorice and licorice. Also called "yellow root". It is the licorice root and is used as medicinal raw materials.
This plant as a remedy known since ancient times. Perhaps it was used before, but in the literature it was described since the time of Ancient Greece and Egypt. Used yellow root and medicine of the East in China and Tibet.
Licorice belongs to the legume family. Licorice all are perennial herbs with thickened rootstock, with a rich yellow color and a sickly sweet taste.
A stalk of licorice grows up to 2 m tall. Root system is well developed. It consists of primary and secondary rhizomes. The latter are called stolons. Usually there are many, and are spread horizontally in different directions from the main roots. The main root goes deep into the soil. It penetrates to a depth of 8 meters. Is the infiltration to groundwater and developed a network of rhizomes allow the licorice to live in arid regions and successfully to capture space by vegetative propagation.
Adaptive properties of the species allow it to enter into the composition of plant communities of steppe, semi-desert and arid light forests on the plains and in the mountains of Central Asia, southern Siberia, Northern Caucasus, Azerbaijan, in the Lower Volga region and the Crimea. Despite the extensive area of massive thickets of licorice are formed mainly in river valleys of the Amu Darya, the Syr Darya and the Ural.
As a medicinal raw materials harvested rhizome licorice. This can be done throughout the year but the best period is the second half of the summer and autumn. The rhizomes are washed with cold water, cut into pieces and dried. Drying is carried out in vivo, that is, without creating high temperatures. Avoid direct sunlight, which can destroy many organic substances. It is best to dry the rhizomes in hot weather, but under a canopy.
Dried rhizomes of licorice retains its healing properties for several years, but not more than 10.
The composition and properties of licorice
The composition of licorice include:
- triterpene saponin (the substance is the hallmark of licorice that defines the taste of the root);
- derivatives of glycyrrhizicacid;
- flavonoids;
- tanning substances;
- amino acids;
- essential oil;
- sugar-containing compounds, glucose, sucrose, maltose and fructose;
- higher fatty acid;
- vitamin C;
- carotene;
- coumarins;
- steroids;
- diseases;
- fatty acids;
- potassium;
- calcium;
- magnesium;
- iron;
- copper;
- manganese;
- zinc;
- aluminium;
- vanadium;
- selenium;
- Nickel;
- strontium.
Thus, licorice is a source of many complex organic substances and minerals. Most licorice concentrates iron, strontium, and selenium.
Licorice could be used only as a source of essential minerals people, but it also has more valuable medicinal properties.
Medicinal properties
The liquorice roots are part of many drugs and herbs. List of diseases that can be treated with licorice, huge.
Mainly, licorice is used to treat cough.
This is the most common disease being healed with this plant. The cough is not suppressed and is transferred from dry to wet. The bronchi are cleared from the sputum, and the person recovers. Curative effect associated with increased secretory function of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and stimulating effect on the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi and trachea.
Drugs based on this plant are used as antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory drugs. Moreover, this property of licorice has been used successfully to relieve spasms not only in the bronchi, but also in the gastrointestinal tract.
Licorice root is included in diuretic teas. In addition, licorice root has tonic properties and can be used for recuperation after an illness, improve blood flow and strengthen the immune system.
In medicine this plant is allotted to another role - the means to create a pleasant taste of drugs.
Due to the specific sweet taste, licorice is widely used in the food industry, such as in the manufacture of beer and confectionery. The use in the food industry licorice instead of sugar allows you to create sweet products that could have people suffering from diabetes. As this plant inhibits the development of mold, it can be considered as an alternative to traditional preservatives.
The roots and rhizomes of licorice have one very interesting property - they foam. This allows their use as foaming agent in the manufacture of softof drinks such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, beer, kvass, soft drinks. Licorice is used for the production of drinks based on coffee and cocoa. It enters the composition of many candies and halva. Apply this plant and as an additive, which imparts a special taste of canned fish. Add it in tea, black and green. Sometimes it's a substitute for tea.
In Tibet and in China, licorice has always been considered a valuable medicinal plant. It was used as anti-toxic and anti-aging tonic and promotes longevity. Licorice is used in folk medicine of the East and to enhance potency, combating allergies, as well as the prevention of all tumors.
Licorice root for skin diseases recommended chewing fresh or dried. Therapeutic effect occurs if once a day chew a piece of root the size of a bean.
As licorice foaming agent is added to the mixture for fire-extinguishers. In addition, it is added to the glue, the cement is used in drilling oil and gas wells. In the chemical industry, this plant is used in the manufacture of watercolor paints, ink, ink, dye textiles.
In animal husbandry, licorice is used as a feed additive that promotes rapid increase of animal weight. In the absence of nectar the bees fed syrup of licorice.
In its pure form or in combination with other herbs, licorice is used in the following diseases:
- bronchitis;
- tonsillitis;
- acute laringofaringit
- acute or chronic pharyngitis;
- tracheitis;
- periodontitis;
- acute and chronic stomatitis;
- lichen of the oral mucosa;
- gastritis;
- ulcer of stomach and duodenum;
- enteritis;
- enterocolitis;
- chronic gastroduodenitis;
- atopic dermatitis;
- chronic eczema;
- rheumatism;
- infectious diseases associated with irritation of the mucous membranes;
- inflammatory diseases of the vagina and cervix;
- urethritis;
- chronic prostatitis.
Indications for the use of syrup of licorice and methods of treatment
The composition of the syrup of licorice root is very simple. 100 g syrup contains: 4 grams of licorice root extract, 86 grams sugar candy and 10 grams of ethyl alcohol.
Licorice syrup for cough you need to take 3 to 4 times a day after meals. To drink it is better not concentrated and pre-diluted in a small amount of water.
The standard dosage outdepending on the condition of the body the following:
- children up to 8 years with an average severity of the disease should make the syrup a teaspoon at one time;
- children under 12 years of age can drink syrup dessert spoons;
- with a strong dry cough dose can be slightly increased, but not significantly;
- when the same situation may increase the intake of syrup while maintaining the optimum dose;
- children over 12 and adults can make the syrup a tablespoon for the reception.
- children under two years should take the syrup drop by drop - not more than two drops for the reception.
To take licorice root cough is needed in combination with herbal drugs anti-inflammatory properties. Since the syrup is very sweet and has alcohol in it, after taking it, you need to drink water.
The course of treatment lasts depending on the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the person, but on average, it lasts from 7 to 12 days. If during this period of recovery does not occur, then it is better to use another tool for cough or to seek the advice of a doctor.
Contraindications and side effects
Yellow licorice root is so useful, that conversation about its dangers and contraindications seems inappropriate. However, there are no medicines that were not fraught with any dangers.
Side effects of licorice products include: redness of certain areas of the skin or mucous membranes, rash, edema and pruritus, the various manifestations of violations of water-electrolyte balance.
Licorice root preparations on its basis is undesirable when:
- chronically high blood pressure;
- various diseases of the kidneys;
- of hypoglycemia, there is a strong decrease in blood glucose;
- obesity or tendency to gain weight;
- pregnancy;
- breastfeeding;
- inclination to diarrhoea;
- diabetes (pharmaceutical syrup in this case, you can replace water with a natural infusion of liquorice root);
- allergies.
The list of contraindications is small, but not to reckon with it is impossible. The use of any drug can occur only when the realization of the principle "do no harm".