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Symptoms of accumulation of fluid in the lungs

Fluid accumulation in the lungs is a very serious symptom that may later lead to irreversible processes. To have an idea of what disease faced man, you must first determine the type of fluid, which, in fact, accumulated in the lungs. Often it can be exudative or transudative in nature. To determine the type of fluid can be manifested symptoms. But it can be done only by a qualified technician.

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Diagnosis of pleurisy

Pleural effusion may develop in humans without an increase in body temperature and the availability of pain. Diagnosis is very hard. If the left side of the lungs the doctor will be able to test the small seal or stupidity, it may be the first sign that lung accumulated fluid is exudative in nature. After all, if the liquid will accumulate on only one side, the more often it will happen right and if the liquid has two-way cluster on the right it will still prevail to a much greater extent. In chronic and acute nephritis fluid will be collected only on the left side of the lungs.

shema ekssudativnogo plevritaWhen the liquid is collected from both sides of the lungs, it indicates the presence of a transudate, as in medical practice bilateral exudates are rare. With such filling of the liquid seal will be located against the chest horizontally. And even in those cases, when the patient will adopt a different posture or to take a different body position, the liquid will remain in the same place.

In cases of such diseases strictly prohibited self-medication, because without knowing the exact cause and diagnosis can only aggravate the situation and bring additional discomfort for the sick person.

Why creates fluid buildup in the lungs?

Basically, pleurisy may develop due to various diseases that affect the human respiratory tract. Most commonly the following reasons:

  • various infectious and inflammatory diseases that primarily strike the lungs;
  • severe inflammation of the lung tissue, which often occurs after pneumonia;
  • rheumatism;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • lung cancer (cancer tumors);
  • various traumatic events that struck his chest.

cardiovascular system" alt="the Development of pleural effusion due to diseases of the cardiovascular system">Pleura that covers the lungs, consists of a large number of capillaries and blood vessels, fibers and interstitial fluid.

When the permeability of these vessels increases, fluid is not difficult to accumulate in large quantities in the lungs. This affects all vessels, after all, disrupted their structure and permeability.

The development of fluid in the chest have a significant impact chronic diseases, infectious diseases and autoimmune processes. Lose every area of the body leads to the fact that the permeability of the pleura of the lungs increases, the injured vessels, and the liquid is very quickly going in the pulmonary tissues.

Symptoms of accumulation of fluid in the lungs

The very first symptom that can indicate fluid accumulation in the lungs, it's a sharp pain in his side. It may increase when the person moves. When trying to make the breath a man will appear cough. Pain can a little decrease at the moment when the patient will lie down to rest and lay it on the diseased side. Also, the patient will be marked shortness of breath. Often it will be felt with the hand, where the accumulated more fluid. In the presence of this disease in humans, there has been a sharp rise in temperature, he feels a strong weakness. His sleep becomes very sensitive and it is much sweating (only at night). When listening to lungs, breath sounds very weak, and the noise of the pleura will prevail.

ostrye boli v oblasti zhivota - simptom diafragmalnogo plevritaOne of the heavy varieties of pleurisy diaphragmatic pleurisy is considered. It is quite difficult to diagnose and treat. In order to timely detect the disease, you must know its main symptoms which may occur in the following:

  • painful sensations occur in the chest, ribs, and hypochondria, they will be highlighted during the movement of the person;
  • frequent hiccups;
  • acute pain in the abdomen over the entire area;
  • bloating, the presence of a large amount of air in the intestines;
  • strong compression of the abdominal muscles;
  • discomfort during swallowing and eating.

To diagnose the presence of diaphragmatic pleurisy only after x-ray examination. It will visually reflect all of the symptoms that were manifested in a patient during a certain period of time.

What are the risks of fluid in the lungs for human health?

The accumulation of large amounts of fluid in the lungs canto cause strong swelling. Depending on what form of disease is typical for a sick person, in the liquid together can be blood and pus. This situation only aggravates the disease and degrades the health of the person. In the case of diagnosis of accumulation of fluid treatment a sick person should be carried out only in stationary conditions, under strict supervision of doctors.

Pleurisy in its flow can be quite heavy, which causes the development of respiratory failure. Depending on how much fluid accumulates, the swelling may be of the following varieties:

kashel s mokrotoj pri plevrite

  • fulminant form of the swelling;
  • the acute form;
  • subacute swelling;
  • a prolonged form of edema.

When the swelling is characterized by an acute form, the patient's condition is deteriorating. He begins severe pain in the chest, the motion feels strong discomfort. The heartbeat becomes very fast, which provokes the development of dyspnea in a patient. It is noted the change in complexion: the skin becomes bluish. When coughing can stand out phlegm. At advanced stages of the disease the sputum may exit through the nasal passages.

For the acute phase is characteristic and uneven breathing. It will be very loud and thready. Feeling the lack of oxygen, the patient may start to get nervous and to panic much, which had a negative impact on the work of his heart. In some situations, lost sleep, and in the day time a person often loses consciousness. When the swelling increases, the patient is reduced blood pressure and almost no palpable pulse.

Lightning form is the most dangerous. At it such symptoms of develops quickly (from few minutes to a few hours). Often this form can be diagnosed with lung cancer. In such cases, the treatment should be very fast. In the opposite situation, the risk of death of the patient is greatly increased.

The treatment of the disease

protivovospalitelnye sredstva pri lechenii fibrinoznogo plevritaPatients with pleurisy be hospitalized, with the exception of patients fibrinous pleurisy which can be treated at home. When purulent pleurisy need immediate hospitalization in the Department of thoracic surgery.

In fibrinous pleurisy is prescribed bed rest, analgesics, anti-inflammatory and allergen funds. Retained their value and traditional methods: hot compress on the chest, tight bandaging of the lower divisions of the chestcage, lubrication of the skin on the affected side 5% alcoholic solution of iodine.

When exudative pleurisy, depending on the degree of respiratory failure and the severity of intoxication, prescribed bed rest. When pleurisy bacterial nature prescribed antibiotics with the sensitivity of microorganisms to them, causing disease.

Remember, when you experience any of these symptoms urgently need to seek medical help.

To do home treatment is strictly prohibited, because the perfect action you can only aggravate the disease.

Timely appeal to professionals will help to establish an accurate diagnosis and carry out effective drug treatment.