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The symptoms obstructive bronchitis in children and its treatment of folk remedies

If diagnosed obstructive bronchitis in children, treatment of folk remedies along with medications, will contribute to alleviate the condition and gradual recovery.

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Folk remedies are usually used when conventional medicine can not cope with chronic disease or offers products, which have too serious side effects.

Chronic obstructive bronchitis and its symptoms

Obstructive bronchitis is the stage of development of bronchitis, in which there is narrowing of the bronchi, leading to shortness of breath. This is due to accumulation of phlegm, which cannot get out.

kashel pri obstruktivnom bronhiteThe symptoms of obstructive bronchitis is:

  1. Cough: dry, hoarse or weak, but constant.
  2. The difficulty in breathing first during the fits of coughing, and then between them.
  3. The crackles and whistles on the inhale and especially exhale.
  4. Sore throat, chest and possibly the back.
  5. A long time has elevated body temperature, and not very high: 37-38°C. But it is constant. When you receive drugs, shoot down the temperature, it decreases, but then increases again.
  6. Accompanying symptoms may be: redness of the throat, runny nose, nasal congestion.
  7. General weakness and fatigue.

Obstructive bronchitis is a chronic diffuse allergic inflammation of the bronchi.

It develops on the background of influenza, sore throat and acute bronchitis, transformed into chronic. Allergy is factor leading to the pathological processes in the bronchi and greatly complicating treatment. To support the factors include: passive Smoking, maternal Smoking during pregnancy, unfavorable social and environmental conditions.

Obstructive bronchitis: the treatment of folk remedies

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis is aimed at relieving bronchospasm to fight inflammation, infection, Allergy, promote sputum discharge.

The most popular recipes of folk medicine that help to treat this disease are the following:

luk dlya lecheniya obstruktivnogo bronhita

  1. Treatment onions. You need to take the 2 onions, peel them and cook for about 2 hours. Cooked onions should grind in a meat grinder. To the resulting slurry was added 4 tbsp of honey and sugar, and then the same 2 tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar. The resulting mixture should be to give the child a half teaspoon every hour. So stimulates expectoration.The duration of treatment is 5 days.
  2. Treatment tangerines. For infusion I use 50 grams of dried tangerine peel. It must be carefully grind, pour a liter of water and cook on slow fire for about an hour. In hot broth is added 50 g of dry and powdered tangerine peel, after which the drug is infused in a warm place for at least an hour. Ready infusion should strain and take scheme. The first part of the scheme is the gradual reduction of servings: 5 tbsp consumed in the morning on an empty stomach, then after every hour consumed portion decreased by one teaspoon. The second part is the gradual increase in the portion after the portion has reached the level in one is a break of two hour, then again after every hour portion is incremented by one until, until it reaches the value of five spoons. Then it all starts again. To be treated under this scheme up to five days.
  3. Honey with Kalina. This tool is very good at barking hoarse cough. To prepare means you need 200 g of berries of viburnum pour 100 g of water and add 200 g of honey. The mixture must cook on a slow fire until, until the water evaporates completely. Ready the cooled tool you need to give a sick child a half of a teaspoon every three hours.
  4. Herbal with a wet cough, but breathing is difficult expectoration. Ingredients: fennel seeds, mother-and-stepmother, sage, fennel, marshmallow. You need to mix half a teaspoon of each herb, place the mixture in a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water. To insist means it takes about one hour. The cooled infusion is added to the honey (3 tbsp). Drink it for five days 3 times a day half a Cup.
  5. Tea from the flowers of buckwheat. 40 g of buckwheat flowers, pour 1 liter of boiling water. Drink as a tea. Softens cough.
  6. Milk with carrot juice. It is used as a means to relieve severe coughing. Dissolve the ingredients necessary in a 1:1 ratio. Need to drink often: 5-6 times a day.
  7. Syrup from the berries cranberries. Used as an expectorant. The syrup is best taken mixed with honey in proportion 1:1.
  8. The infusion of the primrose spring. You must take 1 tablespoon of the dried root of this plant and fill it with Cup boiling water. Preparation of infusion needs long-term maintenance of high temperature, so it has to be steamed for 30 minutes in a water bath. Cooled broth strain and take three times a day to 2 tablespoons before meals.
  9. Infusion of horsetail. 1 tbsp of dried herb horsetail is poured 0.5 liters of boiling water. Warm horsetail supposed to stand for several hours, and then you can take a tablespoon 5-6 times a day.
  10. A decoction of turnips. Turnip - an old way of dealing with colds in Russia. It has good antibacterial properties andfacilitates expectoration. 2 tbsp pureed grated turnip, pour a glass of boiling water. A vial of potion wrap it up with something warm and allow it to steep for at least two hours. Take a decoction should for 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.
  11. Herbal with licorice. Licorice is the sweetest remedy for cough. Based on it make many children's cough syrups. To prepare a collection need: 15 grams of fennel fruit, 25 g of liquorice, 25 g leaves mother and stepmother, 40 g of marshmallow root. All this should pour hot water (0.5 l). Make the broth should be not less than five times a day for 1-2 tbsp.

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis means external use

balzam Means of external application for bronchitis often have a warming nature. For this reason, to apply them you need only when passed the acute period and the child's body temperature does not rise above 37°C. If you apply the warming procedures under a high temperature the child's body can overheat and instead of healing effect, you can get heat stroke.

Nesoglasie treatments for bronchitis recommended the following:

  1. Iodine grid. Is good a resolving and anti-inflammatory agent. Cotton wool dropped iodine on the chest or back of the child is applied to the longitudinal and transverse strips in the form of a lattice. To apply them simultaneously on the back and chest is not recommended, because it is too much stress on the body. It is necessary to exercise caution because you can cause a chemical burn.
  2. Rubbing irritating ointments. Well relieves tension in the chest Vietnamese balm (Asterisk). Irritation promotes a rush of blood to the area of the bronchi, relieves spasms and reduces the force of the cough. The essential oils contained in the balm, steam, exerting a bactericidal effect on the respiratory system.
  3. A compress of swine visceral fat. We are talking about a so-called mesh, which is sold in the markets traders fresh meat. It is possible to melt and mix with the honey, mustard, pepper, etc. For a child best suited a mixture of interior pork fat with honey. This means not annoying, but well relieves cough and shortness of breath. People have long used the grid as a compress. This requires a little to warm it, put on the chest or back, cover with plastic and top with a blanket. Keep the compress should be about an hour.
  4. The use of badger fat. Drugs from fat of this animal is prepared for ingestion, and for grinding. Medicines purchased at the pharmacy. In this case, the main problem is the determination of the dose calculated for the child.
  5. Rubbing garlic.Garlic must be ground in a mixer and grind the pulp of the soles of the child. Then you need to wear warm socks.
  6. Rubbing goose fat with onions. A big bulb you need to clean, wash and chop on a grater or in a blender. This slurry was mixed with goose fat. The resulting mixture should be rubbed into the neck, chest or back. This should be done at night, because after grinding it is necessary to keep oneself warm.

Thus, there are many popular recipes against bronchitis, but it is important at the beginning of the disease to consult a doctor for advice.