What nasal drops can be safely used during pregnancy?
Nasal drops during pregnancy should be taken very carefully, preferably only after the advice of a physician. Pregnancy is a very important and special status for women. Sometimes it is overshadowed by colds or viral diseases, colds. The immunity of pregnant women is reduced as all the body's resources are focused on the development of the fetus, so the common cold and SARS for frequent phenomenon. It is important to note that a stuffy nose is as dangerous for pregnancy, as drops to treat.
The causes and danger of the common cold in pregnant women
To prescribe the correct treatment, it is necessary to establish the cause of the disease. Causes of rhinitis in pregnant women are different:
- Reduced degree of protection of the immune levels of the body, the woman is vulnerable to all sorts of viruses.
- Hormonal changes pregnant more hormones progesterone and estrogen leads to edema of the mucosa and nasal congestion. This so-called vasomotor rhinitis, which only disappear at the end of pregnancy.
- Drying of the mucosa due to the increase in the amount of blood allergic reactions.
- Predisposition to diseases of the nasopharynx, enlarged adenoids. In this case, you must seek the advice of a doctor during pregnancy planning.
Viral diseases are very dangerous to life and normal fetal development, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, because in these months formed the CNS (Central nervous system) of the baby. Bacterial infections bring no less harm, as it can provoke an unexpected response of the immune system of the fetus. Nasal congestion and mouth breathing can cause a lack of oxygen and hypoxia. In any case, you cannot diagnose yourself, as self-medication can pose a threat not only for health, but for the life of the unborn child.
They have a slight anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory action, increase immune protection. Most doctors recommend the use of the common cold in pregnant drops, sprays or ointments plant-based, containing essential oils of eucalyptus, peppermint, pine.
Vasoconstrictor drops
There are several types of drops of cold, but some are absolutely contraindicated for pregnant women. These include ear drops containing naphazoline, tizin, nazol, Oxymetazoline, phenylephrine, phenylpropanolamine, or pseudoephedrine. Patients attracted to quick relieving effect of these funds - after a few minutes after applying the breathing becomes smooth. But the result of such treatment can be congenitalpathology of the child, namely, problems with the heart or the pancreas.
Phenylephrine increases the probability of heart defect the baby 8 times, possible even death. Phenylpropanolamine causes pathology of hearing (deafness) and the gastrointestinal tract, and pseudoephedrine can cause underdevelopment of the extremities. The child's body receives less oxygen due to vasoconstriction, since the spectrum of action of drugs is quite broad: not only the blood vessels of the nasopharynx, but also on placental. There are several types of less dangerous vasoconstrictor drugs that can be taken at your own risk and only until the third trimester of pregnancy, for example, drops from the common cold for children - they contain fewer hazardous components.
Such funds provide anti-inflammatory antiseptic effect, improve the condition of mucous cover. They can be used in chronic inflammation and the common cold, but sinusitis or a bacterial infection.
Homeopathic remedies and drops of essential oils
No harm to the pregnant woman and the unborn baby will not cause homeopathic remedies, but the result only shows up in a few days.
Be aware of potential allergic reactions to essential oils. Treatment drops based on plant components may not last more than 7 days.
Pregnant women can ease their condition with traditional methods:
- Onion-garlic inhalation. These plants contain volatile and have antimicrobial action. Only need to finely chop the vegetables, pour boiling water and breathe the steam over them.
- Inhalation-based oils of menthol and tea tree.
- Heat treatments - heat sinus warm boiled egg or a sack of salt. Also helps warming up the blue lamp (reflector of Minin).
Other people's methods and lavage of saline
In the treatment of runny nose in pregnant popular and traditional methods such as hot teas from herbs containing vitamin C: rosehip, currants, with lemon. When sinusitis is useful to drink infusion of plantain, mother and stepmother, willow bark or strawberries. It should be noted that the treatment of folk remedies can be harmful and cause miscarriage. Therefore, even when choosing a tea, pregnant it is better to get the advice of a doctor.
Saline solutions - the most safe and effective method for the treatment and prevention of rhinitis in pregnancy. Their base is sea water and ionized salt solutions. These drops or sprays do not cure viral or bacterial disease, and improve the status of women. They thin the mucusand moisturize the nasal mucosa, relieve swelling, normalize the secretion, are also mild antiseptics. Pharmaceutical preparations on the basis of ionized salt water can be used for prevention of colds during epidemics.
Expensive purchase droplets can replace the conventional saline solution or make salt-solution at home. To do this, dissolve 1 teaspoon of sea salt (sodium chloride) in 1 liter of boiled water. It should be added that such funds do not cause allergies, but help only in mild forms of rhinitis, which lasts no more than 2 weeks.
If the nose problems during pregnancy for a long time did not pass, it will need to seek help from a doctor and carefully follow his instructions. But the problem it is better to prevent: concerned about their health, to enter into the diet products that increase immunity, to avoid hypothermia or communicating with patients.