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Causes of polysegmental pneumonia

Polysegmental pneumonia (especially bilateral), is one of the severe illnesses and requires immediate treatment. The fact that bilateral polysegmental pneumonia, always develops rapidly, leading to complications in breathing and even death.

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In this disease of any type (bilateral, right or left hand) is an inflammatory effects on the lung epithelium. This inflammation disrupts the work in several functional segments (they are called sections of the lung containing alveoli in large quantities). There is a rapid progress of the disease, which eventually becomes the cause of respiratory failure.

Polysegmental pneumonia: causes of

Conclusion about radiography polysegmental pneumonia experts determine in the event that a patient in the lung tissue foci of inflammation, which can be placed in different segments from either side or from 2 sides simultaneously.

shema pnevmoniiIf you experience this disease children experience pain in their lungs in the course of disease the pleura is irritated (it acts as a protective shell), which is located over the lung fields. The pleura contains many nerve endings, therefore, appear irritation and pain. Lungs have receptors that are sensitive to pain, so severe bilateral inflammation are not always detected until the patient perform radiographic procedure or not notice the first signs.

The reasons for polysegmental disease may be different, the main ones are:

  • bacterial infections such as Staphylococcus, pneumococcus, chlamydia, or Mycoplasma;
  • infection of lungs by viruses;
  • lose ailments from a number of parasitic and fungal.

 primenenie antibiotikov pri pnevmoniiOne of the major features of polysegmental pneumonia in children is considered to be a hypersensitivity of the immediate type (medics used the abbreviation GNT). It occurs in the area of lung affected areas in the form of tissue edema, which develops rapidly.

Often hypersensitivity of the immediate type occurs in pneumococcal infection, because the antigens most similar to proteins of the body, due to which the immune system becomes unstable, not recognizing the antigens GNT. Thus the immune system perceives the proteins as bacterial antigens and subsequently begins to destroy them. In adults, this reaction occurs in the presence in the bodyright-sided polysegmental pneumonia of the lower lobe. Hypersensitivity of immediate type contributes to the deterioration of the patient due to the amplification of inflammatory effects on the body.

Signs emerged polysegmental inflammation

To polysegmental kind of inflammation in patients of any age are symptoms of intoxication, or respiratory categories. First exacerbate the course of illness of the patient and identify muscle weakness, dizziness, headaches, chills, fever and pain in the joints.

Signs of intoxication syndrome:

povyshenie temperatury pri pnevmonii

  1. Polysegmental inflammation of the intoxication syndrome is always accompanied by increased temperature of up to 39-40°C. the progression of the disease brings lightning-fast nature, and often triggered by pneumococcal pneumonia. Itself pneumonia is characterized by constantly high temperatures (she almost never falls even for several days), a gradual decrease of temperature promotes adequate treatment.
  2. Significant chills in some cases is a precursor to a feverish sensations, lasting for several hours, the patient at this time is sweating heavily. If the damage of lung epithelium is increased concentration of pathogens, leading to poor blood supply to the brain due to the increase in blood viscosity. In this case, there dizziness and headaches.
  3. Impaired lung epithelium in children are caused by staphylococcal or streptococcal disease, and contributes to the stable elevated temperature up to 40°C. Health workers that fever gave the name of febris continua, the translation of which means "persistent fever". Pneumococcal pneumonia in children can cause fulminant fever, accompanied by visual intoxication syndrome. This kind of fever may not take place for several days.
  4. Lobar pneumonia of children is accompanied by intoxication syndrome. This form of pneumonia is very rare. Clinical signs polysegmental similar to the symptoms of segmental pneumonia. Is manifested in children in the form of dyspnea, wheezing and impaired breathing, and the localization of foci occurs mainly in the upper parts of the lungs. To clarify the affected segment do an x-ray in 2 projections. The shadow infiltration of homogeneous and intense.
  5. Polysegmental pneumonia contributes to the formation in patients with weakness of the muscles. The reason for this is the reduced blood flow, which further violates the saturation of the body with oxygen.
  6. Similar pathogenesis occurs in the joints,is accompanied by painful sensations in them. This happens due to the deterioration of the microcirculation in the periosteum.

Signs of bronchopulmonary syndrome

otdyshka i hripy pri pnevmoniiWhen a cluster of infiltration in the body and reproduction of the pathogen in the respiratory tract occurs bronchopulmonary syndrome.
There are the following main symptoms:

  • the occurrence of crackling when breathing and talking, which appear due to edema of bronchial walls;
  • cough with phlegm;
  • upon the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the pleural pieces, there is a painful sensation in the chest.

Normal body to remove pathogens involves the cilia of the epithelium of the upper respiratory tract. In case of insufficiency of working of the cilia or contact with infectious bacteria inside in the lower divisions, the elimination of bacteria by bronchial contractions in the form of cough.

Polysegmental pneumonia contributes to the large accumulation of fluid, the body removes it through lingering cough. Inflammation of the lungs cough lasts up to complete cleansing of the respiratory tract.

kashel - simptom pnevmoniiPain in areas of lung disease caused by inflammation of the pleura, which is irritation of the lesions in any form of the pleural sheet. When pleurisy polysegmental pneumonia aggravates pain or causes severe chest pain at sharp movements.

All of the above symptoms are factors of pneumonia. To confirm, you need to make x-ray picture. All these signs are the reason for the early visit to the pulmonologist, to avoid serious complications.

How is therapy polysegmental pneumonia?

Treatment of single or bilateral pneumonia, possibly by the use of antibacterial agents and drugs.

Etiology pathogens in children and adults is different, so treatment involves using different antibiotics.

The best will be timely treatment, when medical professionals will be able in a short time to sow the culture of bacteria, which is a consequence of the disease in a special environment, and to determine the sensitivity of the disease to antibiotics. Within 2 weeks of therapy to a patient, the doctor prescribes antibiotics of wide spectrum of action. Treatment includes the elimination of existing complications or their prophylaxis.

Bilateral, right or left sided polysegmental pneumonia is such a disease that can run in any case impossible. Itthe development could lead to respiratory failure and death.