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Barking cough and high fever in a child

Barking cough and fever in a child indicate that the baby has some disease, and it is only its symptoms. Many young mothers are very scared, hearing from your daughter or son cough like barking. They don't know what it is, can't recognize it, don't even know if he's dangerous for the baby's health.

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Thus, cough is the body's reaction to defeat an infection or virus. If the cough is wet, it assistant at the withdrawal of fluid from the lungs. That is why all seek any cough to turn into wet. This is the first path to the recovery of the child.

You should know that barking cough is not treated normal drugs. Children this kind of cough at night and in the morning, because the ventilation of the lungs at this time is much worse than during the day. The fluid stagnates and interferes with normal breathing. When the barking cough of sputum expectorant, and it makes the process of clearing is just terrible.

Symptoms of barking cough

The first and main symptom is the similarity of the cough of a child to barking. This is due to swelling of the larynx and voice changes. Due to the debilitating cough the baby loses energy, gets weak and basically doesn't want anything.

Here's the symptoms that are inherent to barking cough in children:

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  • the weakness of the body;
  • heavy breathing;
  • headache;
  • runny nose;
  • a sore throat;
  • lymph nodes become inflamed and increase;
  • there are cases of nausea and even vomiting;
  • voice hoarse;
  • the larynx becomes inflamed, it swells.

This disease must be on time and properly treated. Otherwise, complications can occur that result in the hospitalization of the child.

Complications of barking cough:

  • voice changes;
  • starts strong fever;
  • the skin begins to turn blue;
  • increases salivation;
  • breathing and swallowing becomes very difficult;
  • the child becomes irritable;
  • no appetite, the child is in near syncope;
  • appear asthma attacks.

poterya appetita pri laushem kashleIf a child has been choking, diphtheria or infection, which is caused by a sore throat, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Barking cough is a huge danger to life of the baby. It can cause serious complications such as asthma, respiratory insufficiency or occlusion.

Due to edema of the larynx, the baby can suffocate.

Barking cough and fever are a double danger, because the body weakens, doesn't takelung sputum.

The causes of the disease

The most common factors are:

  1. Virus infection (or acute respiratory disease). Accompanied by elevated body temperature, a common sign of a cold.
  2. Allergies. Does not cause inflammation in the body of the child.
  3. Laryngitis.
  4. Pharyngitis.
  5. Laryngotracheitis, which causes swelling of the larynx. This disease is also called false croup.
  6. Whooping cough, diphtheria. The main symptoms are dry cough, white coating on the tonsils and throat.

Most often, barking cough in children caused due to laryngitis or a foreign body in the region of the larynx.

vysokaya temperatura pri laushem kashleIf his throat gets any foreign body, the child is choking on fits of barking cough. They are long and exhausting. If time does not derive from laryngeal lumen extra subject, but the next day will start inflammation, often purulent happens. Barking cough in this case is only strengthened.

If you experience symptoms such as purulent inflammation of the larynx, the dry crust on the mucous membranes, absence of expectoration, the urgent need to go to the doctors. The audiologist will get a special instrument foreign body from the lumen of the larynx. Then you can start to treat cough.

Urgently need to call an ambulance and to contact the experts. The reason for this behavior is the presence of triple symptoms in child:

  • barking cough, dry and annoying;
  • breath whistling and noise;
  • voice changer up to his disappearance.

Treatment of barking cough in children

The main methods of treatment are as follows:

The child should be in a relaxed atmosphere. This is necessary in order not to provoke new attacks. In the excitement of the larynx tends to shrink, this baby begins to choke. The patient does not have to run to not have shortness of breath.

It is necessary to conduct inhalation. In this type of coughing is most effective would be steam inhalation. They can be made from potato, sage, and chamomile. It is possible to use soda and sunflower oil. Any of these mixtures should be heated in the fire, that started to stand out a pair that should get some child.

It is recommended to heat a small room by boiling water in it (e.g. bathroom or kitchen).

konsultaciya vrachaThe baby needs to breathe this damp air for some time. It helps to soothe the cough and ease breathing.

  1. In pharmacy special tools for expectoration: Prospan, Chest and others.
  2. Barking cough should be treated withthe use of antihistamines: Suprastin, Tsetrin, loratadine or Tavegil. Small children are used syrups, for older tablets.
  3. If a baby has fever, it is necessary to undress. This contributes to its rapid decrease, and facilitates the respiratory processes.

Need a little more to give drink to the child. Drinks should be warm and natural: milk, tea, juice. You can brew special teas, such as chamomile, rosehip or lime. Drinking plenty of fluids promotes the removal of phlegm from the body, prevents complete dehydration.

It is desirable that the drinks contained a sufficient amount of vitamin C, and substances that promote urine flow and perspiration. But herbal treatment alone will not be able to eliminate the barking cough because initially you need to overcome those bacteria that cause disease.

Additional recommendations

To successfully cure the child, must adhere to the following tips:

  1. The room should be aired regularly, so that the air always had good humidity. This will help to cure the barking cough. You should regularly (several times a day) to make damp cleaning.
  2. Body temperature exceeding 38,5° C, it is not necessary to knock. If it rises above, it is necessary to resort to antipyretics. But one should not forget their adverse impact on the liver.

Unfortunately, at temperatures not to use treatments of heat, which are very effective in the treatment of barking cough. If, however, the temperature ceased to rise, it is necessary to put a mustard plaster, or to apply medicinal creams and ointments. Also steaming of the feet to reduce the swelling of the larynx.

Need and it is important to keep a good balanced and nutritious feeding, the baby had enough energy to fight the disease. Ointments that contain in its composition essential oil that can cause allergic reactions when rubbing the chest and back baby.

If the result of the coughing fit the baby started to choke, it is impossible to apply aerosols for asthmatics. They can relieve the symptoms of suffocation, but the hormones in them are hazardous for the child's body.

To the barking cough moved in the wet, it is possible to apply massage of the back and chest of the child. Barking cough along with increased body temperature is a very dangerous disease that is inappropriate and untimely treatment may lead to constriction of the child.

To treat it only when it is well established diagnosis and the cause of the disease. It is necessary to conduct all the necessary tests and consult with your doctor. Itwill prescribe the necessary antibiotics.

To ease the most severe attacks of barking cough with the help of radish juice. Means you need to drink throughout the day (a small amount). You can drink warm milk with soda. In addition, before arrival of doctors it is not advisable to put baby to sleep to avoid suffocation.