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The main symptoms of pneumonia in infants

Pneumonia in infants, the symptoms of which are varied, have mechanisms of development, very different from this disease in the adult patient. Upon detection of signs of pneumonia in a child urgently needs to go to the hospital, otherwise complications can arise, to cope with which will be possible with great difficulty. When neglect of the disease in infants, the disease can lead to death.

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Causes of pneumonia in young children

Primary lesion occurs in a variety of infections that can be divided into the following types:

  1. The disease is bacterial in nature.
  2. Viral infection of the lung.
  3. Entering the child's body fungi.
  4. Various physico-chemical reasons.
  5. Drug poisoning.

In young children the main damaging factor is the pneumococcus. The incubation period of this pathogen is 2-3 days. Clinic infection manifests in a sharp increase in body temperature of the child to 37-41° C. When may receive drowsiness or General malaise occur. If the time to seek medical help, the disease can be cured within 2 weeks.

pnevmokokki - vozbuditeli pnevmoniiFor infants and babies most dangerous the so-called pneumonia regionalnogo character. Their period of incubation is 4 days. If time does not treat disease, lung lesions occur, develops respiratory failure. Often in such cases the child dies.

The individual characteristics of each child also play a big role in the disease. If a baby has from birth a narrow thoracic cage, it can complicate treatment, as it promotes the rapid development of the disease. There is a respiratory failure, which leads to deterioration of the child.

How is the disease in preterm infants?

These kids most often depends on the digestion of mother's milk. If there are no complications, along with this product into the body of the child gets the right amount of immunoglobulin that forms the first line of defense against viral infections. With the development of pneumonia in this case, all processes are the same as they occur in children of normal period donsimoni. With timely detection of disease, therapy, such children recover within 2 weeks.

If the doctors are dealing with atypical forms of the disease, it all becomes much more complicated. Often thus the child develops respiratory distress.

Premature infants sufferwhile the General intoxication of all the systems of the body, which leads to various pathological changes, and often to the death of the little patient.

The symptoms characterizing inflammation of the lungs in infants and newborns

temperatura - simptom pnevmoniiThe main signs of the disease during this period of child development:

  1. The body temperature of little patient increases.
  2. There is a bluish tint to the skin.
  3. There is a sharp increase in the rate of accumulation of phlegm.
  4. The child tormented by a constant cough.
  5. The baby is often irritable and almost constantly crying.

Need time to identify the first signs of the disease and to start timely therapy. If this time is not done, there can be serious complications that will entail the necessity of using strong antimicrobials. And this, in turn, can lead to the child dysbiosis.

The development of pneumonia in the newborn and infants begins with the incubation period which lasts 4 days. During this period, in young children the disease runs hidden, without any external manifestations. Therefore, when the first suspected pneumonia in infants whose symptoms are not clear, parents should show the child the doctor.

This must be done because children in the first period of life formed no system of immunity and local protection operates only at the expense of the immunoglobulin obtained through the mother's milk. If a child is on artificial food, then it does not have this protection, so any infection can cause serious harm to the child.

How to recognize symptoms of viral pneumonia in a child?

kashel pri pnevmoniiIf the baby has congenital pneumonia, its symptoms usually appear after a few days. Disease begins with a cough and a sharp increase in body temperature that indicates a respiratory nature of the disease and may lead to medical error. If time does not treat the antimicrobial agents, then begin to manifest the following characteristics:

  1. A child refuses to eat.
  2. Constantly acting out.
  3. I heard his rapid and heavy breathing.
  4. The baby constantly cries.

All the above symptoms appear because of high temperature. In chest radiography such a child clearly visible inflammation in the form of segments. If the child is premature, the size of the lesion much more.

A patient needs to be hospitalized, and it is necessary to conduct intensive antimicrobial therapy. But we must be careful, because the baby may occurgoiter and other complications.

Parents can home to determine the disease in the child. Signs that they should alert to, the following:

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  1. Breathing by asphyxia (lack of air), starts bruising of the skin.
  2. It is necessary to pay increased attention to the crying baby.
  3. Fever in a child can rise to 40° C. Therefore, it is necessary to take him to the doctor.
  4. The baby is lowering the threshold of reflexes, e.g., breathing or sucking.
  5. The patient can dramatically decrease the weight, and the baby stops eating. There may be vomiting because of changes in the intestine of the child, which occurred under the influence of pneumonia.
  6. The cardiovascular system responds to the disease deterioration of the blood flow in the so-called small circle. This is due to infiltrates in the lung tissues. Pathology in infants can be identified by the swelling of the feet and bluish discoloration of the skin. Can disrupt normal heart muscle.
  7. Pneumonia Central nervous system of the child is affected in such a way that some children begin to over-aroused, while others become lethargic and slow.
  8. The main feature, which can detect adults the child has a viral infection of the lungs is a sharp decrease in appetite. In young children this may manifest as diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, as the microbes affect not only the lungs but also the intestine of the child.

How to recognize pneumonia in a young child?

This can be done on the basis of the following characteristics:

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  1. In babies and infants increased body temperature (40° C) lasts more than 3 days in a row.
  2. The child coughs, and stands out the moisture in large quantities.
  3. Breathing a little patient. May occur the so-called grunting.
  4. Turning blue the skin on the face and in the area between the nose and lips.
  5. The kid refuses to eat.
  6. There are signs of colds.

In all these cases it is necessary to call the doctor or take the child to the hospital. There the experts will check the lungs of the baby and, if necessary, hospitalitynet it. The most accurate way to determine pneumonia is chest radiography, but it can be done only in the clinic.

In newborns, the detection of pneumonia is a difficult task, but the treatment must begin as early as possible. Often this disease causes chlamydia. Are organisms that penetrate into cells that are difficult to destroy anti-viral therapy.

Diagnosis of disease in clinicalconditions

At first the doctors listen to the baby's lungs, rattle his chest. Then, a series of tests:

  1. Studied the blood.
  2. Taken biochemical data.
  3. Conduct chest x-rays of the child.

In studies of blood draws attention to the increased number of white blood cells which occur in viral lesions of the body of the child.

Biochemical blood parameters are used to determine the impact of the disease on other organs and systems of the body a little patient. The increase in uric acid levels can indicate various disorders in the kidneys. X-ray shows the lesion in the lungs of the patient and allows physicians to assess the degree of development of the disease.