Effective treatment of pneumonia in child
Parents must know what constitutes a treatment of pneumonia in children. The inflammatory process in the lungs, or pneumonia, provoked by different factors. This is a dangerous, sometimes threatening life disease children get more often than adults.
Than can be caused by pneumonia?
Infection with inflammation of the lungs is lowered into the lower parts of the respiratory system. The infected area of the lungs cease to perform their duties, namely, to absorb oxygen and rid the body of carbon dioxide. As a result, the disease is much harder other respiratory diseases.
It can be caused by activity of various bacteria, viruses and rarely fungi. For this reason, and the nature of occurrence of the disease varies and is viral, bacterial, fungal and mixed. So, pneumonia in children occurs in the following forms:
- Viral pneumonia is the most common type of pneumonia in children. The disease is easy and goes by quickly in a complex therapy is not needed.
- Bacterial pneumonia occurs approximately in 2 times less often than viral. Begins as the continuation of other colds, but it may appear independently. When treatment is necessary the application of preparations of antibacterial action.
- Fungal pneumonia is a rare but very complicated form of inflammation. Occurs when the wrong antibiotics.
- Combined form of pneumonia - the most rare. Appears due to the lowering of the immune system, which provokes the accumulation of phlegm and active development of pathogenic microbial flora. After connecting the bacterial component of this form of pneumonia the child goes into a complication.
In addition, there are one-sided (one of the inflamed lungs) and bilateral (inflammation affected both lungs) pneumonia.
Although the disease is infectious in nature, only occasionally pneumonia is contagious and can be transmitted from one person to another. The exception is children aged from six months to 6 years. Their illness may be caused by pneumococci. Today there is a vaccine, giving the opportunity after one vaccination the immunity.
Symptoms of pediatric pneumonia
There are specific signs for determination of the inflammatory process. Knowing them, adults may assume the child has pneumonia. Butto score the anxiety parents have an obligation, if the child observed:
- Thick and persistent cough.
- Body temperature, which seriously decreases and increases rapidly.
- Do not pass more than a week cold or sharp deterioration of health after a temporary improvement.
- Difficulty deep breathing. When you try to take a deep breath starts coughing.
- Pallor, which may indicate the beginning of bacterial pneumonia (toxins produced by bacteria, lead to spasms in the blood vessels).
- Even at low body temperatures, there is shortness of breath.
- Severe weakness and reluctance to eat.
If the presence of all the characteristic features that indicate the presence of pneumonia, the baby skin pink, then a viral type of the disease.
This means that the inflammatory process should not cause fear and the child will be healed in 5-6 days. Pale and bluish skin around the mouth indicates a bacterial type of inflammation and requires immediate treatment to the doctor-pediatrician, who will approve or dispel suspicions, carry out the necessary diagnosis and prescribe treatment. During diagnosis the physician must:
- using a stethoscope to listen to lungs of a sick child;
- to write a referral for a chest x-ray (it is desirable to make the two positions, namely, front and side);
- to assess the overall health of the little patient;
- to write a referral for a blood test which will reveal what type of inflammation is the disease.
Classification of pneumonia
Place of occurrence of pneumonia is an important sign of classification. Distinguish community-acquired (home) and hospital-acquired pneumonia. The reasons for their occurrence are very different between themselves and need different methods of therapy. The emergence of community-acquired pneumonia occurs under normal circumstances and conditions. Hospital can occur through three days of the child's stay in hospital, or after 72 hours after you return home. Pneumonia in newborns have their own classification. In terms of occurrence, they are intrauterine (congenital) and acquired (community-acquired and nosocomial). Also note pneumonia associated with artificial ventilation. They are divided into occurred in the first four days of ventilation (early) and appeared after 4 days of application ventilation (late). In a separate group is pneumonia in children with immunodeficiency.
Among other things, distinguish pneumonia with severe and mild forms of disease.The severity of the disease depends on the existence and extent of manifestations of problems with the heart and lungs, the presence of toxicity and possible complications.
Correctly selected therapy can get rid of mild forms of the disease in 2-4 weeks, with severe - 1-2 months. In children with immunodeficiency, antibiotic treatment lasts between 21 days and complete recovery.
Therapeutic measures and prevention
Treatment of pneumonia in children based on the use of antibiotics. They are administered in pill form (orally), injections (intramuscular and intravenous), intravenous (intravenous). Treated pneumonia in children only in stationary conditions. Preparations for conducting the treatment is determined based on the reasons that instigated the illness. It is impossible to treat pneumonia in a child without consultation with a doctor. Self-treatment can lead to tragic consequences. The pharmacy can buy any antibacterial drug, but to decide which one is needed by your child, can only physician. If after 3 days no progress has been made in the state of the little patient, it is necessary to replace medication. Chronic administration of a single drug, not even paying attention to his performance, after 10-12 days the medication needs to change.
Viral type of the disease antibiotics are not assigned. If viral inflammation is severe, it is necessary to put a patient in the intensive care unit. For the effectiveness of treatment requires that the child strictly adhere to mode and prescription.
To cure pneumonia, it is necessary to treat not only the disease, but the reasons, it causing. This applies to a special system of treatment called causal. Etiotropic treatment system is a technique focused on the inhibition of microbes or viruses that trigger the disease. Drugs used for causal therapy include sulfonamides, antibiotics, drugs that inhibit gram negative and gram positive bacteria and chlamydia. Also used interferons, probiotics, antidotes and drugs that increase the immune resistance of the organism.
The most efficient and effective methods of prevention for pneumonia do not differ from the measures used in acute respiratory viral diseases. It does not involve the use of any medications. The child simply need to move more, to mucus accumulation in the respiratory system. To allow free and easy breathing on a daily basis to ventilate room in which the child is. A lot and often drink warm liquid (to thinphlegm in the lungs and Airways). Parents should strengthen the child's body. Do not forget about the effectiveness of morning exercise and physical education. The main condition is: on time and how to treat colds.