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How to use Irish moss cough?

Irish moss cough allows to cure even a prolonged cold through a unique combination of useful components included in its composition. It should be noted that Irish moss has long been widely used in folk medicine, as it helps to cope with many infectious diseases, supports the immune system of a person, contributing to the activation of its resources.

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Tsetrariya Irish, which is also popularly known as Irish moss actually applies to lichens. Irish moss, a therapeutic properties since ancient times known to man, has a high content of medicinal substances. Medicinal properties of Irish moss are explained by the specifics of the growth of this lichen.

Features the growth of a unique cough drops

Irish moss in nature is quite common, but it grows only in the ecologically clean areas and, as a rule, at the foot of the mountains covered with deciduous forests. In addition, this type of lichen is often found on moist lowlands near rocks or large trees while in mixed and pine forests the amount is small. It should be noted that the greatest distribution this lichen is in Ireland, where it grows almost everywhere, that is why this plant got its name.

People living in Ireland, so appreciate the healing properties of this lichen, which adds it to the bread on the dough stage. Despite the harsh weather conditions of Ireland, the people living there rarely suffer from infectious diseases that associated with the systematic admission of medicinal lichen.

konsultaciya vracha pered primeneniem irlandskogo mhaCetraria Irish in the wild can learn absolutely anyone, as this plant resembles a branched sod of about 15 cm in height. Thallus, that is part of the ground lichen, is a collection of twigs, very reminiscent of the moose antlers. Despite the fact that the crown of lichen has a spherical shape and more like a normal plant, there are still some differences. First, during the onset of autumn frosts retains lichen green. Second, a distinctive feature is the presence of numerous small vesicular points, which is literally strewn with his blade.

From the external side of the blade has a more saturated olive color, while the lower part of the blade has a less saturated color and sometimes has a velvety white. Iceland moss is a perennial lichen, so it colonies can grow to vastterritories.

For medical purposes and cooking is used exclusively by the thallus, Irish moss. Harvest healing moss can throughout the summer period because at this time in its thallus contains maximum number of nutrients and minerals. It should be noted that Irish moss has an unpleasant bitter taste, noticeable when it is used for cooking broths, but if you add milk, the bitterness can be eliminated completely. In the manufacture of decoctions may be noted an unusual consistency of the resulting substances, as after cooling the drink begins to resemble a jelly, because of the high content of various substances, including enveloping starch.

Thallus Irish moss is extremely rich in Lichonin, carbohydrates and glucose. The contents in the lichen of these substances promotes the nutritional mucus, which contains inside branches. In addition, the lichen is characterized by increased content of:

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  • gum;
  • wax;
  • protein;
  • of manganese;
  • zinc;
  • b vitamins;
  • vegetable fats;
  • iodine;
  • humanpotential acid;
  • protohistorical acid.

In addition, relatively recently the Irish moss was discovered usnic acid, which contains significant amounts of sodium.

Irish moss - a powerful remedy for colds

The therapeutic value of Irish moss is difficult to underestimate, given the content of various substances. Especially Irish moss is often used to treat infectious diseases, including colds, flu, whooping cough, tuberculosis and flu. Also a decoction of Irish moss is used in the treatment of burns, wounds, boils and ulcers of the stomach and different kinds of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. The use of a decoction of Irish moss is also justified when morning sickness, bronchial asthma, poisoning and certain endocrine diseases.

In fact, Irish moss has a strong immunomodulatory and antibacterial properties. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory and healing action. The active substance contained in that medicinal plants have great antioxidant and antiviral properties. With constant use Irish moss can act as a regulator of the gastro-intestinal tract and serve as prevention of tumors.

Despite the wide range of diseases in which the Irish moss can be used as a primary or secondary drug, the main sphere of its application remains the treatment of colds andcough. Many doctors prescribe Irish moss as additional funds. In case the drug is assigned to a child may be prescribed a special cough syrup with Iceland moss, which has no unpleasant aftertaste unlike decoctions.

It is noteworthy that many of the syrups and decoctions for cough based on Irish moss can be made at home. It should be noted that in this case they not only have anti-inflammatory antibacterial and antiviral properties, but do not contain dyes and preservatives, so you can effectively and totally harmlessly be applied even in the treatment of children.

Methods for the preparation of decoctions and syrups on the basis of Irish moss

For preparation of syrup based on Irish moss should take 3 tablespoons of the chopped plants and fill them with approximately 1 tbsp. of cold water. The mixture should be brought to the boil and cook for at least 20 minutes. The finished mixture will resemble thick pudding. Allow the tool to cool so that it is lukewarm and then add 2 tablespoons of honey. Honey is not only a storehouse of nutrients and can be used as a standalone tool for colds, but also helps to eliminate unpleasant taste, which has the syrup of Irish moss.

The finished syrup should be used 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day, preferably before meals.

The use of syrup of Irish moss allows you to liquefy the mucus accumulated in the bronchi, and to ensure a swift departure. Given that the syrup cooked at home, there are various preservatives to increase its shelf life, the finished product should be stored in the refrigerator no more than 7 days, after which it completely loses its properties. As a rule, a noticeable effect when using the cough syrup comes in 3 to 5 days, and then to use the tool should be 2 - 3 days to fix the result.

Given that in most cases Irish moss is used as an excellent remedy against colds, should consider more the way to prepare a medicinal drink from these diseases. Better in this case to prepare this drink milk.

It will require about 250 ml of milk and 2 - 3 tablespoons of chopped Irish moss. Boil the broth should be at least 30 minutes, then drink hot. At each appointment, should brew fresh decoction. When treatment of colds definitely need to take the remedy at night. In the morning you need to consume the drink, if the symptoms of the disease from the throat, as this broth allows you to quickly eliminate the feeling of coma.

Despite the fact that Irish moss contains significant amounts of active ingredientsa similar tool has no contraindications, therefore, can be effectively used for the treatment of adults and children. In order to prevent to drink the healing beverage from the Irish lichen possible throughout autumn-winter period.