Features diet in bronchial asthma
Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammation of the Airways, in which frequent attacks of breathlessness. It is worth remembering that diet in bronchial asthma is not a medicinal method: it is not a cure, but promotes healing. Therefore, nutrition in bronchial asthma must meet certain requirements.
General guidelines
Cause of exacerbation of asthma of asthma are foreign proteins, generally of animal origin. It is therefore advisable to limit the introduction into the organism of proteins of this type, even if the patient has hypersensitivity to some plant foods.
It is recommended to limit foods with a high content of purine such as meat, fish and meat by-products, ocean fish, and broth, meat, and fish. It is highly desirable under all conditions the compliance with so-called hypoallergenic diet that excludes the use of condiments, spicy and salty foods. This is especially true when the flow of so-called food asthma. In this case the bronchial exacerbation associated with allergic reactions to any certain kind of products.
Types of hypoallergenic diet, there are several, so for each patient it should be prepared individually. Strictly contraindicated Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.
Stick follows a fractional power - up to 6 times a day. Thus the consumption of salt (sodium) should be limited to 7-8 grams per day, and the volume of flow of fluid in the body should be 0.8-1 l, we recommend the following ratio of PFC in total calories no more than 2300 kcal:
- protein - 0.1 kg;
- fat - 0.07 kg;
- carbohydrates - 0.3 kg.
One should not eat later than 2 hours before bedtime.
Proper nutrition in bronchial asthma has several goals:
- normalization of the sensitivity of the mucosa in the bronchi;
- recovery of immunity;
- reduction of the permeability of the gastrointestinal tract for the penetration of allergens;
- cleansing of the body from the products that cause bronchial attacks;
- the cessation of inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract.
In the basis of food needs to go a vegetarian diet: soups and porridges, salads and vegetable patties, boiled vegetables. Meals should be mainly prepared steamed, or braised uvarivaetsja. Welcome thorough grinding of the ingredients. Fresh vegetables must be carefully soaked 1 to 2 hours (including potatoes before cooking - up to 14 hours), the meat is required to boil 2times.
Not recommended eating too much hot and cold dishes. The optimum temperature is from 20 to 60° C.
What can I eat when the disease?
Nevertheless the food must be sufficiently diversified and fortified. Acceptable fasting days (in the absence of specific contraindications), but not more than 2 days in a row. Such days improve the condition of the mucous membrane of the bronchi, which prevents the occurrence of bronchial asthma attacks, even with the decline medical intervention.
Allowed to eat (of course, in the absence of allergic reactions):
- meat and fish low-fat;
- vegetables and fruits (potatoes, carrots, beets, cabbage);
- greens and fruit.
- dairy products;
- bread;
- juices without preservatives;
- pasta;
- bean;
- tea and decoctions of medicinal herbs;
- wild grasses as raw and in salads and soups;
- hemp and flax oil;
- buckwheat, millet, oatmeal.
If there is no exacerbation in moderate quantities is in almost all kinds of products, adhering to a low calorie diet. The concept of the diet outside of exacerbations suggests eating foods rich in pectin and sufficient amount of dietary fiber.
You must stick to eating foods containing vitamins A, D, C, b, minerals (calcium and phosphorus).
To prevent or relieve seizures can recommend the following products:
- strong coffee (in the absence of other contraindications);
- figs soaked overnight;
- the juice or tea of ginger;
- a few cloves of garlic, boiled in milk (the resulting composition is to drink a few days on 0.1 l);
- very good help decoction of flax seeds, which you can drink throughout the day.
What do not eat?
As already mentioned, you should limit the consumption of foods rich in animal proteins. First of all it concerns oily fish and meat. Basically a list of deprecated products looks like this:
- monosodium glutamate, sulfites and other food additives of chemical origin, fatty meat and fish;
- salt (preferably insufficient salting meals);
- acute types of condiments;
- rich broth (both fish and meat), canned food;
- semolina;
- eggs in large quantities (to completely eliminate eggs from the diet is not necessary, but to cook hard boiled at least 15-20 minutes);
- you should limit the consumption of fresh milk, with an emphasis on dairy products;
- nuts;
- butter,margarine;
- oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits;
- raw milk (it is necessary to drink only boiled form);
- alcohol, which can even in small quantities, can cause seizures typical of dyspnea.
Should limit the use of foods containing histamine: tomatoes, sausage, spinach, cheese, salami and eggs.
There is a particular subtype of the disease is aspirin asthma. It manifests itself as an allergic reaction to acetylsalicylic acid. In this case, it is necessary to remove from the diet of gooseberries, apples and, of course, is aspirin.
The use of sugar and salt is strictly limited to the sodium in salt, promotes edematous processes within the bronchi, which can lead to asthma attacks.
Hypoallergenic diet
If the patient has not observed an allergic reaction to any food, the menu should be diverse enough.
The only limitation is salt, because sodium contributes to bronchial hyperresponsiveness and education edematous conditions, especially when salt intake is accompanied by copious drinking. This applies not only to table salt in pure form but also canned food, pickles and homemade pickles.
In case of attacks of allergic asthma resulting from the consumption of a particular type of product should be immediately removed from the diet. Also, worth a closer look at reactions to products that usually provoke allergic attacks. It's eggs, caviar, fish, citrus.
However, by themselves, these products do not cause allergies. They contribute to the release of histamine, which provokes an allergic reaction.
In the rest of the hypoallergenic diet is tailored to individual intolerance of certain foods and dishes prepared from them. Previously it was thought: any form of asthma should go on a hypoallergenic diet. But subsequent studies showed that this "excessive therapy" does not lead to targeted improvement of the condition of the patient, but in General, significantly affects the quality of his life.
So currently, there are two points of view on the issue of nutrition of patients with bronchial asthma. The traditional approach involves strict adherence to all the above rules and restrictions. Some of the doctors believes that the use of specialized diet is necessary only during allergic asthma attacks, when the certain product causing the Allergy.