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How to use pine buds cough?

Pine buds cough is often used as an additional tool for the integrated treatment of this disease drugs that are prescribed by a doctor. Particularly effective use of such treatment for treating coughs and colds, when the output of sputum is difficult.

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Pine buds, you can prepare yourself: this is done in the spring when they swell greatly and become the most resinous and fragrant. It is necessary to dry them in a cool place, but always with good ventilation to prevent blooming. Keep the kidneys are recommended in a dry place in paper bags.

How useful pine buds

Dried medicinal raw material contains in its composition of the essential oil, phytoncides, tar and tannins, carotene and many vitamins, especially C, which is considered indispensable in the treatment of colds and strengthen the immune system. Pine buds have a great antiviral and antimicrobial, disinfectant and expectorant properties. Medicinal drinks prepared from this raw material are beneficial to patients respiratory, lower sputum viscosity, liquefy it and ease the patient expectoration.

ingalyacii iz sosnovyh pochekOn the basis of pine buds, you can prepare decoctions, tinctures, jams or solution for inhalation. These healing buds often included in the composition of breast teas. There is a very useful recipe enriched honey from pine buds. For its preparation in a saucepan, mix freshly picked raw materials and water in the ratio 1:2. Mixture bring to boil and cook on low heat under a lid for about 20 minutes. Then the pot needed water to the original volume and put as much sugar as added water first.

Prepared vegetable raw materials you can buy at the drug store and brew it according to instructions. Caution must be applied such treatment to women during pregnancy and lactation and children under 12. In some people the drug can cause an allergic reaction, if this happens, it is necessary to abandon this tool.

Useful herbal teas and tinctures based on pine buds

You can prepare a medicinal decoction from dry cough: to do this, 1 tbsp. of dried kidney pour 2 cups of boiling water and brew in a water bath for about 15 minutes. Ready broth insist 30 minutes and filtered. Take this remedy up to 4 times a day for ¼ Cup. In a saucepan instead of water, pour 0.5 liters of milk and add to it 50 g of dried buds, simmer on low heat for about 20 minutes. Milk broth strain and drink in small portions throughout the day.

alt="Pine buds for the treatment of cough">delicious medicine to cure the harassing cough. In a container pour 2 cups of boiling water and poured to 50 g of raw material, the drink infuse for about 2 hours in a warm place. After this infusion is filtered, add to it 50 g of sugar and bring to a boil until it is completely dissolved. Adults are such a useful medicine may take 2 teaspoons up to 4 times daily, children take 1 teaspoon. Sugar, you can substitute any honey if not allergic to it.

For adults, you can prepare a tincture from the dry pine buds in vodka. To do this, 75 g of the raw material necessary to pour a bottle of vodka and insist 2 weeks in a dark place. Another 75 g kidney pour a glass of cold boiled water, add a Cup of any of honey and the juice of one lemon. All mix and put it brew for too at 2 weeks. Then, all decanted and mixed in a single container, cover tightly with a lid and put in a cold place for a month. For treatment infusion can take 1 scoop up to 5 times a day.

Other useful recipes

When the disease of the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by cough, effectively help inhalation. For this we need to prepare a decoction of 2 l of water and 100 g of the kidneys, after boiling, should boil for another 10 minutes. The patient needs to sit near the tank with a healing broth and cover with a towel and breathe over the steam need approximately 5 minutes. Such procedures can be performed through the day and preferably before going to sleep to just lie down and take cover with a blanket.

varene iz sosnovyh pochekFresh pine buds, you can prepare medicinal jam, which is very good at helping in the treatment of colds and coughs. To do this each handful of fresh raw materials it is necessary to take 1 Cup of water. When the volume of water reduced by half, add sugar at the rate of 1.5 cups each a handful of the kidneys. Need to cook over low heat, stirring constantly until then, until completely melted sugar. Jam spread in glass jars and cover with lids, to store it better in a cool place. When the cough delicious remedy must be used several times a day for 1 teaspoon, washed down with warm tea.

To bring everything to a boil, you will need to stir constantly until the sugar is dissolved. Ready honey pour into a glass container and cover with a lid. Use it 1 spoon, drinking warm milk or tea. When storing honey can be sugar, but that its beneficial properties are not lost. Infusions and decoctions of pine buds is very effective in the treatment of cough. Despite the specific taste and smell, such a tool already after a single dose significantly eases cough, improves the condition of the patient.

Pine buds cough is a medicinal raw materials, but to accept themtreatment only after consulting your doctor.

Special care should be taken to this method of treatment for people suffering from diseases of the liver or kidneys. Not recommended, and women during pregnancy and lactation.