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Infusions and herbs from the dry cough

Grass from dry cough. Dry or unproductive cough may be a symptom of an underlying disease or reaction to substances of the environment that irritate the bronchial tubes.

problema kashlya

An epidemic of acute respiratory infections constantly starts with the onset of the cold season. To cure the disease is a good helping of herbs and infusions.

Cough is transferred sick people usually with great difficulty, making it difficult for them to relax, to work, to perform household chores. Relieve symptoms, of course, possible, if only in time to make infusions, brewing herbal tea, and so on.

Than and how best to treat SARS?

The respiratory system in some patients can be severely weakened. It usually happens when they are sick with asthma and other respiratory diseases. It was then that ARI is complicated by their bouts of dry cough.

povyshennaya temperatura - priznak orviPatients are always asking questions about how effective traditional methods of treatment of this disease.

Such diseases as SARS, appears with the weakening of protective forces in humans. The human body sometimes can not withstand heavy loads. After the infection, and joined various microorganisms. Medical professionals of the highest category usually explain that people fell ill with bronchitis or acute bronchitis.

Symptoms of the disease may be different:

  • increased body temperature;
  • dry cough;
  • General moderate weakness;
  • shortness of breath;
  • the presence of different changes in the lungs during the passage of x-rays.

To cure bronchitis, doctors prescribe patients quality antiviral, antimicrobial drugs. Sometimes not helping cough no media. Then what to do, how to cure colds? But quite simply, swipe the treatment of dry cough in an adult and a child at home, using traditional methods. They will help you to fully recover. But it is worth remembering that before using alternative medicine should consult a doctor.

Mother-and-stepmother, chamomile, thyme, sage, St. John's wort, and other natural plants you can use for the treatment of allergic or inflammatory process. The cough will pass quickly enough. The result of treatment will only be positive.

The application of therapeutic natural herbs

Herbs for cleansing the bronchi of mucus used by people since ancient times. Want to get buff with a dry cough, consult your physician. Came to the clinic, please note that national fees are usuallyappointed by the medical staff only on the statement.

Helpers in treatment are the following herbs:

polza otvara chabreca pri kashle

  • mallow;
  • marshmallow;
  • thyme.

All these herbs usually contain unique substances. Their contact is carried out in interaction with tap water. They form a viscous, colloidal solution, which has good anti-inflammatory effect on inflamed and irritated mucous membranes of the larynx. Burning sensation in the throat, pain and other unpleasant sensations does not happen.

Many people rosemary is a success. This herb is commonly used in the treatment of whooping cough, bronchial asthma, acute bronchitis, SARS and so on.

More often during treatment of dry cough people applied the juice of black radish. Make the vegetable a small hole. Then put in it some honey and put some time in a warm place. Then drink up this medicine for several days, until full recovery. In the case when the juice irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach, dilute it with water. If you are allergic to honey, you can instead take the sugar.

The first place while getting rid of dry cough is the preparation of herbal teas and different concoctions.

Make yourself at home herbal infusions. Mother-and-stepmother has the property to envelop the mucous membrane of the throat, mouth and larynx, protecting them from germs inside the body. All drug charges and blanks quite easily can be purchased in pharmacies. They are completely harmless for both adults and children.

Licorice is another plant very well help to cure dry cough. You have a sick child - buy him syrup of licorice root. In the absence of allergic reactions, treat dry cough with onions, lemon, lime blossom and other natural plants.

koren solodki pri lechenii grippaThese herbs contain substances, perfectly stimulating the excretion of mucus from the respiratory tract. They usually have a good anti-inflammatory effect. In the case where the expectorated sputum is bad, put on legs woolen socks, putting them in mustard dry powder.

Pour in a glass of hot milk with butter and soaked raisins. On the back and the area of the bronchi, put mustard. Remember, this must be done daily! Still can mix fennel tea and drink all in one gulp.

Good help during the treatment of dry cough steam inhalation with the addition of eucalyptus leaves, marigold flowers and other medicinal plants. Among expectorants modern tools, you can identify those herbs thathave mukoliticeski action. This:

  • rhizomes elecampane and cyanosis;
  • pine buds;
  • grass thermopsis;
  • violet;
  • the fruit of anise.

Don't forget that pertussin, released our pharmacists, much better than “Mucosolvan”, made abroad.

The effectiveness of the use of grass from dry cough constantly much higher in combination with hemolytic modern means.

Tips for pregnant women

lechenie kashlya pri beremennostiThe total muscle tension during pregnancy is highly undesirable due to the fact that it is harmful to the fetus. Dry cough for moms-to-be not only unpleasant but also extremely dangerous. Pregnant women is absolutely contraindicated licorice root, because it greatly affects hormones and provokes swelling.

The most effective and rapid treatment are considered to be inhalation. The decoction should not be very hot. Along with it you can always use the essential oils and herbal decoctions. Good compresses with honey, cabbage leaf or grated onion. The best effect you can achieve by applying these methods comprehensively.

Make a wonderful ointment, taking the soap, Shilajit, aloe Vera, beeswax, propolis, butter in equal proportions. Heat the ingredients over low fire, constantly stirring them. At that time, when the wax has melted, remove the dishes from heat. Grind the remaining Cup you have the means. Then fill them with pre-cooked mixture, adding the juice of aloe. All mix thoroughly and place in a cool place. At night, lubricate the chest and back, wrapped with a scarf. The nose immediately starts to breathe, cough pass quickly enough.

If you want to use for the treatment of dry cough tangerine peel, loop it through a meat grinder. Next, put in a glass jar and pour a boiling water. Let stand for a few hours. Constantly use the infusion.

The use of plants in folk medicine

Dates can provide you excellent help in the treatment of dry cough. Of course, if you boil them in a liter of water. Always drink the mixture hot. The dates will help you a great relieve the cough, if you cook them in milk.

Taking one peeled potatoes, the Apple green varieties, the onion, place the vegetables in an enamel pan. Pour water, wait until the products are completely cooked. Strain through cheesecloth and drink the broth at a temperature which can sustain. Dry cough pretty quickly you leave.

Fresh cabbage juice with sugar is usually used for coughs as an expectorant. Taking the mixture orally for colds, you can make and drink it with honey.

Cowberrycontains many useful substances. The benefit of the people bring and leaves. Did the temperature - use the juice from the berries, it perfectly removes toxins and inhibits the growth of microorganisms.

There are many time-tested folk recipes for the treatment of dry cough, but remember, if after 3-5 days of treatment folk remedies there is no improvement, then consult a doctor is a must, as there may be an inflammatory process in the lungs and bronchi has reached such a phase that it is time to apply the antibiotics. Be healthy!