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What cough syrup bronchitis better?

Asking the question about whether the bronchitis syrup, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the severity of the disease. Adults and children catch a cold, causing inflammation of the respiratory system, and in the process suffer the bronchi.

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In the case of penetration into the organism of influenza viruses, various bacteria, allergens, parasites at the level of cells and even toxic gases, there is a serious risk of respiratory complications, turning into one of the varieties of bronchitis. Serious danger of the bronchitis to more severe disease COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) causes tobacco Smoking.

The use of syrup for bronchitis

The main symptoms of incipient bronchitis may be fatigue, fever, lack of appetite and of course, coughing. The bronchi are additional filter when the flow of air into the lungs. The air when breathing through microtecnica located throughout the oral mucosa of the bronchi, purged of microorganisms.

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At the time of weakening the immune system some types of microbes still penetrate to the depth of the bronchi, causing inflammation and accumulation of mucus, causing cough. We should not lightly treat this symptom.

Initially the cough is dry and painful. When he goes to the stage of wet, with the advent of sputum, an urgent need to consult a doctor for the selection of the syrup from the beginning of bronchitis. After delivery of analyses it is possible to determine the nature of the disease. After receiving the results, the doctor can understand whether there is the possibility to dispense syrup from bronchitis or have to use more serious drugs.

Adults often try to move a cold on her feet, not thinking about the consequences. Beginning shortness of breath difficult breathing that says about the depth of the process. Bringing the condition of the bronchi to the symptoms of expectoration, syrup, used for bronchitis, will not help, but can ease the condition with continued treatment. With timely localization of acute bronchitis can be avoided its transition to a chronic form with further serious consequences. Children's form of bronchitis, as adults, try to treat as syrups are homemade and sold in a pharmacy.

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In any case, especially for children, it is not necessary to choose and buy from bronchitis syrup industrialproduction.

The compositions of the syrups from bronchitis, sold in pharmacies, carry a different purpose, depending on:

  • degree complications;
  • age category;
  • effect on cardiovascular system;
  • allergic indicators present in the composition components;
  • the presence of asthma.

Problems of children with the disease bronchitis

Not always parents in the first phase of the disease the child turn to the expert, considering that runny nose, sneezing and mild cough are not particularly at risk. But soon there are prolonged bouts of coughing with the transition to vomiting condition worsens, disturbed appetite, sleep becomes restless, and the child is cranky for no good reason.

In the cases of bronchitis in children, there is several stages of organ failure:

  • the two-way nature of the respiratory (diffuse);
  • lose multiple lobes of the lung (common);
  • the defeat of one segment of the lung (limited).

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In the initial stage of illness the most effective means of treatment would be suffering from bronchitis. Currently, formulations of children's syrups for treatment of bronchitis adapted for any picky. Taste preferences of both kids and adolescents considered in medical laboratories preparing medicinal compositions.

Changes in the composition of syrup for bronchitis, avoiding chemical components has increased the use of its application. Especially careful to treat the kids to two years. Syrup for bronchitis for kids should contain the minimum percentage of chemical components. For example, the syrup Geelix", which includes ivy extract, perfectly relieves wet cough. Even from birth the baby can be given syrup "Prospan". In addition to vegetable composition, it has a fruity taste that is not associated with the drug. Inflammatory process with seven months of age, doctors recommend syrup "Alcabala".

Kids from years recommend these syrups, as Dr. Goodman, Travis and Tussamag. The basis of these syrups collecting medicinal herbs made from thyme, plantain, lemon balm and chamomile.

Starting two years pediatricians suggest all familiar cough (bronchitis) Doctor, but there some types of grasses that cause allergic reactions, so this drug should be more careful. Extract of nightshade, ginger, menthol may trigger the child's allergies in addition to bronchitis. To relieve swelling from the mucous membrane of the bronchi, inflammation, lingering cough antispasmodic for teenagers you can offer syrups for bronchitis, includingyourself concentrate the mother-and-stepmother, licorice root, mallow and plantain. Such syrups you can add to tea, juice or warm water.

Syrups for bronchitis during pregnancy

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Pregnancy bears a heavy responsibility for women. To think about disease prevention in an interesting position worth serious, you can even get vaccinated against the flu. Any inflammatory process would affect the fetus and can cause intrauterine infection and the possibility of negative consequences in the future development of the child.

If it so happened that the flu has not spared you a party syrup for bronchitis and cough need to choose on the basis of medicinal herbs. Good the effect drugs, which are prescribed by children under 2 years. In addition to the drugs, "Geelix", "Alcabala", "Doctor, pregnancy provides a good aid syrup "Stodal". "Stodal is a homeopathic remedy with the addition of alcohol, so you need to strictly follow the dosage. If bronchitis goes into an acute form, to pregnant women recommend from bronchitis syrup "Gerbion". It has antibacterial and softening action in the expectoration. Do not forget the folk remedies: warm milk with butter, tea with raspberry syrup black radish. Good natural syrup for bronchitis is also considered to be honey lemon.

To avoid problems, cough and bronchitis will help a medication. The doctor, understanding the threat of possible uterine bleeding and the risk of fetal hypoxia, appoint an individual for every female part. Self-treatment during pregnancy will bring irreparable consequences!

Prevention of bronchitis

For the prevention and speedy recovery and maintain body tone during the period of the disease is recommended :

  • speleotherapy (salt cave air increases immunity);
  • breathing exercises (draining exercises under the supervision of a practitioner);
  • massage (cupping, acupressure and segmental);
  • physiotherapy (UHF, ultraviolet irradiation, inductothermy);
  • phytotherapy (medicinal herbs).

Observance of rules of personal hygiene, cleanliness of the house, exercise, fresh air, not Smoking is the main points of the prevention of inflammation of the bronchial tubes.