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Causes of runny nose in children and its treatment

Regardless of the causes, treatment in children runny nose - the responsible thing. If time is not taken, it is possible to not only complications of the mucous membranes of the nose, and other diseases of the respiratory system.

problema nasmorka

The first sign of a cold

The common cold is a banal inflammation of the nasal mucosa in the result of exposure to the viruses, bacteria, microorganisms and other pathogens. Modern medicine gives reasonable recommendations on how to treat a runny nose in a child. They are quite forgiving.

shema rinita

First of all, when it occurs do not immediately grasp at pharmacy tablets and drops. Under normal rhinitis the baby should pay attention to the symptoms. Because the common cold is viral colds or when nasal discharge is not so abundant. In these cases, you can resort to folk remedies, to resolve the problem. And cold really is from the common household drops and ointments.

But sometimes a bad cold, which is a long time. It is manifested copious secretions from the nose, formation of crusts. It causes not only neglected colds, and allergies.

How to treat infants

Children's runny nose in children under one year suggests a particularly gentle treatment. First of all, crumbs in the treatment of rhinitis are shown only by instillation of nose drops.

solyanye slabye rastvory pri nasmorke u grudnichkaModern pediatricians recommend to use for design weak salt solutions or drops are homemade from a mixture of fresh juices of carrot and beetroot. When a runny nose is strong and very annoying to the kid as a means of quickly relieving the swelling, use vasoconstrictor drops. But they do not cure the cold, but only for a short time to help reduce the current from the nose. To apply such funds can be no more than a week. Therefore, treatment should be complex.

If a little help home ways of dealing with a cold, resorted to medication. To cure rhinitis in the month of the child will help the pharmacy drops with immunoglobulin. They neutralize the viruses. Cold cold will help bactericidal drugs. It is a wonderful antiseptic. But if the disease the baby is far advanced, and not help any treatment, the doctor for a short time assigns the most gentle antibiotics.

In addition to the drops, to treat in infants can using ointment. Nasal passages to promazyvaetsya needs shallow. Not recommended in the treatment of rhinitis a big emphasis on the home remedies from herbal teas and infusions of vegetable plants. With caution shouldapply to bee products. All of these tools may cause unexpected allergic reactions. Contraindicated treatment sprays. They can cause spasms of the vocal cords.

To remove the mucus from the nose a child under one year used a little syringe. Slime pre-extracted from the nasal passages. The nose is buried. After that you need five minutes to wait until the rest of the slime dissolved. Again with a Turkey Baster to suck the rest of the secret.

Traditional methods in mild rhinitis

travyanoj nastoj dlya lecheniya nasmorkaTreatment of rhinitis in children, you should always start with nasal lavage. Well help to remove the mucus by washing with infusions of St. John's wort, calendula, they have antimicrobial and bactericidal action. Also help various salt solutions. They can be manufactured from salt with added iodine or from purified sea salt.

Washing is carried out as follows: in a deep plate filled with solution. Baby nose draws the fluid passing through the throat and spits. Means for rinsing must be warm. Flushing the nasal passages is beneficial in any cold. They help remove excess mucus in the nose, ease breathing. Five minutes after washing thoroughly vysmarkivatsya.

Effective treatment of rhinitis in a child is a warming of the sinuses and nasal passages. Helps riding the hot eggs in the shell along the nose. As well to help with bags of hot salt or millet.

You can do hot foot bath with the addition of aromatic oils, infusions of herbs or dry mustard. After the bath the feet should be wiped dry, put on wool socks and go to bed.

evkaliptovoe maslo ot nasmorkaFor colds the common cold relieves the powder of mustard powder. Mustard powder is poured into cotton socks that were worn on his feet. So it should be like twenty minutes. Then change into warm wool socks.

Get rid of help cold and steam inhalation. They have a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. Thanks to the inhalation, expand blood vessels, profusely out the liquefied mucus.

Homemade inhalations are done with the application:

  • an aqueous solution of baking soda with iodine;
  • herbal teas, especially herbal teas help spruce cones, pine young pine needles;
  • honey-water solutions;
  • hot water with added essential oils of eucalyptus, or anise;
  • tolkushkoy boiled potatoes with baking soda.

efirnye masla pri nasmorkeDuringpulmonary child needs to inhale the vapors and mouth, and nose to warm the throat and nose. The procedure takes only 10 to 15 minutes. After the child must change. To put on dry warm pajamas and go to bed. Warming up and inhalation is contraindicated in heat, acute rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis and otitis.

Effective treatment of rhinitis in children, there is the application of oils and ointments are homemade. They not only reduce the secretion of the nose, and will remove the inflammation of mucous after improper treatment pharmacy drugs. They thin the mucus, helping its excretion from the nasal passages, preventing the formation of crusts in the nose.

Medicated oils are prepared from vegetable juice and different parts of medicinal plants with the addition of vegetable oil. Rhinitis can be treated with aromatic oils. But we should not use essential oils. They can cause severe allergies. In addition, abuse can cause bronchitis. A healing ointment is prepared based on pork lard with the addition of aloe Vera, honey, propolis, herbal extracts.

Help with strong rhinitis

Causes itching in children may be running cold, Allergy, trauma to the nose. Therefore, the treatment may not be straightforward. Profuse discharge from the nose running colds often lead to inflammation of adenoid tissue. As a result, adenoids will appear. Other complications strong: rhinitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic rhinitis.

Chronic rhinitis, lasting for years affects physical and mental development of the child. Can deform facial bones, develop mental retardations. The child is greatly reduced immunity. He often picks up viruses.

Some doctors believe that this case should not be "played" with people's money.

To cure a runny nose in a child, it should be treated with antibiotics. They quickly stop the infection, reduce the secretion of mucus from the nose. And then you have to get rid of residual runny nose with a complex application home folk methods.

From pharmacy drugs used antibacterial agents for the treatment of infectious rhinitis. With abundant nasal discharge of an allergic nature, the doctor will prescribe antihistamines. With active treatment of runny nose in a child, it takes a maximum of one week. Except for difficult cases. Effective complex pharmaceutical drugs and folk treatment methods will bring relief to the baby in 2 - 3 days.