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What to do if you get a runny nose in a child

A runny nose in a child can not be called a disease, but a symptom of the predominant number of ailments ranging from viral infections and ending allergic reactions. Mostly a runny nose is the result of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI). Thus it cannot be attributed to a side effect of the disease, as it is a means of protecting the child's body against many viruses.

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The younger the baby, the harder it is to endure the cold. In addition, treatment of rhinitis in children is not easy. Ignore the cold, as it can lead to complication of other diseases, such as inflammatory process in the ear. However, too rapid and excessive treatment usually leads to impaired functioning of the nose in which difficult breathing child. Because of this, parents should know the right ways to treat rhinitis.

The causes and the symptoms of rhinitis

Excessive secretion of mucus from the nasal cavity is a protective mechanism aimed at destruction of infections of the Airways. The composition of the mucus is composed of certain substances, called catalysts. Just they combat viral infection. However, these substances can work only in liquid slime. After drying, the situation is exacerbated because the nasal cavity becomes an ideal environment for bacteria.

obilnoe pite rebenka pri lechenii nasmorkaOrdinary viral disease is the viral-bacterial when nasal discharge becomes greenish hue. What are the main symptoms and causes of runny nose in a child? In medical practice there are the following grounds:

  • a cold or virus;
  • cooling of the body;
  • diseases of the nasal cavity of an infectious nature;
  • unfavorable climate;
  • temperature changes;
  • the impact of the stimuli.

The child may complain of dryness and burning in the nose, congestion of the nasal passages. Children with current rhinitis often sneeze, besides, feel a headache. If rhinitis is caused the development of conjunctivitis, the child fester eyes. After some time the above symptoms are added mucus from the nose. In addition to all the baby lost sense of smell, it is possible increase in body temperature. Rhinitis in the month of the child is considered a kind of Wake-up signal, informing about the danger. The nasal passages in the newborn is quite narrow, and a violation of their patency significantly lowers the concentration of oxygen in the organs andtissues. A long lack of oxygen can cause seizures and disruptions in the activities of the heart. The appearance of the initial symptoms, parents should call the doctor at home. After examination, the pediatrician will provide further recommendations for treatment of the baby.

The treatment of the disease with a cold

provetrivanie pomesheniya pri lechenii nasmorkaAs a rule, rhinitis in children continues for a long time, if not to take his medication. The main objective is the preservation of the liquid consistency of mucus. In this state it will benefit the child and give the ability to recover faster. You can do it without resorting to medicines. It is enough to follow the basic three rules:

  • ensure to drink plenty child;
  • ventilate the room in which it is located;
  • do not overheat the baby.

Moreover, in a period when there was a strong nose in a child, it is not necessary to force by force there. The fact that during illness the baby may not have the appetite, what is considered a normal reaction to the illness. Best buy favorite product of the child and treat it, thereby raising the baby mood.

Select baby medicine, a means of assisting adults, is contraindicated in young children. For example, one of the important properties is in the repair - ability to restore integrity and strengthen the inner lining of the children's nasopharynx. As you know, in most cases, infection and viruses make their way into the body through the nasopharynx in the implementation of breath. Transmission of acute respiratory infections and influenza is airborne. From the condition of the mucous membrane, will depend on whether the viruses and bacteria to get into the child's body.

polza soka svekly pri lechenii nasmorkaIn this regard, it is important that the medicine against colds had antiviral, immunomodulatory, and regenerative actions. Such assets include such known medicines as Drops or Valerian root. In addition to this, doctors recommend the use of saline. For this you will need 1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of boiled water. The solution should be instilled into the nasal passages.

Often, parents have resorted for help to vasoconstrictor drugs, helping to eliminate the common cold in children. However, one should not misuse the data medicines, because this effect is temporary. The common cold can pass through, and the grounds that caused it, no!

To eliminate the symptom is not to cure the disease.

What effect is vasoconstrictormeans? The drug is instilled into the nasal passages, resulting in narrowed blood vessels of the nasal mucosa. When this swelling subsides, and the volume of mucus is reduced. Parents need to know that these funds can be habit-forming. They are not used for children younger than 2 years.

Traditional methods in the treatment of rhinitis

Cough and runny nose in a child can trigger a variety of ailments. In addition to drug therapy, widely used folk techniques in combating rhinitis.

polza chesnoka pri lechenii nasmorkaTo engage actively in the fight against colds and helps fresh beet juice. This tool can be used for children less than 1 year. Beet juice is usually buried in the nasal passages, and if the child resists, it is possible to impregnate the juice cotton turundeki and put them in both nostrils.

For these purposes, and used garlic juice. Juice of garlic mixed in the same ratio with warm water and buried in the nose. Allowed to complement the solution of a small amount of honey. This recipe will help thin out mucus. In addition, you can use garlic and onion.

Some parents warming of the maxillary sinus. However, this technique should be performed with extreme caution, because there is a risk of scalding. You should take a cotton pouch and place it inside the warm boiled egg. Importantly, the compress was warm! Pouch is applied to the nasal sinuses. This technique is suitable even for small children, with all the precautions.

Sea buckthorn and calendula is a very effective folk remedies that can ease breathing. To make the remedy is not difficult: sea buckthorn oil mixed with juice of marigold. In the resulting solution wetted cotton turundeki which are then placed in each nasal passage. To the mixture is recommended to add a little honey.

All the above recipes, it is mandatory to coordinate with the children's pediatrician, because he is familiar with common manifestations of the disease and the individual characteristics of the child's body. However, you should not self-medicate.

How to prevent a cold

Prevention of the common cold should be carried out in children are mandatory if they are often sick viral or bacterial diseases. To do this, doctors recommend to perform a systematic washing of the nose using sea water or saline. To perform this procedure the morning and before bedtime.

zakalivanie rebenka dlya profilaktiki nasmorkaIn addition, parents need to temper a child's body. This integrated method isuse as at a cold and the flu. You should also spend time with the child more time outdoors, especially before bedtime. Child from childhood should be accustomed to sports, to enhance the immune system of a child organism.

Twice a day, morning and evening, in the room of the child it is necessary to conduct wet cleaning. The air temperature in the children's room should be between 18 to 20 degrees, and it is 16-18 degrees. Should take care of the extra moisture.

If the child had a runny nose, no need to keep it in the same or next day in the kindergarten or school. This applies to those children who have just recovered from a cold. Child needs to restore health and immunity. To do this, pediatricians recommend giving a vitamin complex, especially in the spring and autumn periods. Moreover, as today, many children from the first days of life are prone to allergic reactions, it is necessary to protect the child from the most well-known stimuli. From the room where the baby is sleeping, it is recommended to remove the old books and carpets, and soft toys. In addition, the child needs to be fed a healthy diet without having various flavors and colors. These rules must be observed to achieve a child 3 years of age.

Thus, children's runny nose treated much faster and easier in the initial stages of development, rather than in complicated rhinitis. However, during active treatment, parents should be more careful and to comply with all medical recommendations. The above material is for informational purposes only, before using the information contained should be mandatory to consult an experienced specialist. After an initial examination the doctor will be able to set the clinical picture and appropriate treatment.