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Methods of treating chronic bronchitis at home

How to treat chronic bronchitis at home? Very often, it would seem that the common cold can progress to a more serious phase and give complications in the lower respiratory tract that is accompanied by exhausting wet or dry cough, chest pain, heavy breathing and increased body temperature. It is important to identify this disease because its long duration can cause sclerosis of the lungs, and further to chronic respiratory failure. In medicine, the diagnosis of chronic bronchitis put, if the cough of the patient persists for more than 3 months, especially if this phenomenon is repeated for several years. But you need to remember that to diagnose yourself in any case is not necessary, because similar symptoms may be hiding an acute, not chronic bronchitis.

zabolevanie hronicheskim bronhitom

The first is acquired by bacterial or viral infection, while the second is already a consequence of the transferred earlier diseases (acute bronchitis), or allergic reaction to dust, nicotine, and a sharp chemical smell.

The initial suspicion for chronic bronchitis you need to go to the hospital, where the doctor can assign the number of necessary tests to determine the stage of the disease and suggest means of medical treatment. In the first place to confirm such a diagnosis professionals refer patients for a total blood work and a chest x-ray. To exclude other pathology, need a more detailed survey, which administered a CT scan of the lungs make sputum, and sometimes visiting the bronchi special optical device (fiber-optic bronchoscopy). In severe forms of this disease, doctors often recommend the hospital. If the doctor sees that the patient is able to self-treat, treatment of chronic bronchitis in the home.

How to cure bronchitis at home?

Very often in the beginning of the disease doctors give patients the advice to stay in bed. For a speedy recovery in the treatment of chronic bronchitis at home the patient must carry out a set of recommendations:

obilnoe pite pri lechenii hronicheskogo bronhita

  • drink plenty of water - consume plenty of fluids, mainly in the form of warm water, natural juices, herbal teas, completely eliminate soda and alcoholic beverages;
  • high-calorie diet - the diet should be filled with required for recuperation products, namely vegetables, fruits, lean meat, dairy products, but remember,what food should be soft, not to irritate the already inflamed throat;
  • airing, conducting wet cleaning in the room where the patient, at least 2 times a day;
  • the rejection of bad habits, chief of which is Smoking;
  • the adoption of the doctor prescribed drugs in form of tablets, syrups and injections, droppers.

The clothes of the patient should be comfortable, made of natural materials, as well as to match the temperature in the room not to bring the already depleted organism to overheating or hypothermia. If there is frequent sweating from the body, doctors recommend to take a hot shower and change of clothes dry and fresh.

Very effective in the treatment of chronic bronchitis in the home is the use of camphor oil, which was triturated throat for its heating and calming the cough. You can carry out self-massages of the chest, stop exercises for the lungs (in the form of a complex of breathing exercises), thereby increasing the body's resistance to viruses.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis with medication

Repeatedly, patients ignore a doctor's prescription, arguing that drugs are very expensive or necessary procedures is not enough time. Rest in bed and taking a couple of pills, the patient begins to feel a bit better and forgets that the disease may soon return with a new force that applies to the treatment of chronic bronchitis. To avoid this, it is important to follow all the instructions of the doctor and adhere to his advice, the main ones are these:

ingalyacii pri lechenii hronicheskogo bronhita

  • to take antibiotics (mostly only in the period of exacerbation);
  • along with antibiotics it is imperative the adoption of the medicines for the stomach with live bacteria (not to disturb the intestinal flora);
  • not to abandon expectorants, mucolytics to thin mucus and its removal from the body;
  • don't forget about the treatment of special tools of the nasopharynx, because now it is inflamed due to chronic bronchitis;
  • to conduct inhalation inhaling essential oil of rosemary, eucalyptus, fir, or just to breathe the aromas of onion, garlic;
  • to visit the prescribed physiotherapy.

Do not forget that the treatment of chronic bronchitis is a long process, the effect occurs only with all the appointments of a specialist.

Is there a cure for chronic bronchitis folk remedies?

bronchitis">not to resort to the help of doctors, people turn to folk medicine, since in their opinion, it is much cheaper and healthier making medicines. Traditional methods of treating chronic bronchitis at home can share of older people who know a lot of recipes based on natural components.

About the benefits of medicinal herbs heard by many, but not all used it. Calendula, chamomile, plantain, wormwood, mother and stepmother, thyme, horsetail, and also the color of lime, licorice root and elecampane is just a small list given to us by nature means of chronic bronchitis. Recipes using them a lot in the form of tinctures, infusions, inhalations, etc.

Very effective in the treatment is honey. Make compresses, added to tinctures, used in combination with black radish, which make holes, put the honey and after some time drink a selected juice. But these recipes are applicable in the absence of patient allergies to honey.

A good medicine are used in usual life the garlic, onion and dill, the patient should be given these products with the rest of the food.

lechenie hronicheskogo bronhita holodomWidespread in our days is the treatment of fresh natural juices, such as carrot, beet, cabbage. Remember that a lot of juice to drink is not recommended, as it is very concentrated it should be diluted with warm boiled water.

There is a very unusual treatment of chronic bronchitis. One of them is the treatment of cold, in winter when the patient is often advised to breathe the frosty air. A rather interesting way is the treatment of bronchitis, push-UPS, or drinking tea instead of water.

However, in such cases, we should not forget that mix folk remedies and medicinal ways of treating chronic bronchitis at home is not necessary. Should be the gap between making any of the broth, and a shot or pill. But the main thing about this treatment the doctor needs to know, because it happens that the combination of this kind of action not only does not benefit, but harm the patient.

Prevention of chronic bronchitis

The most important is to avoid chronic diagnoses, is their prevention. This also applies to chronic bronchitis. To prevent future need for treatment of chronic bronchitis at home or in the hospital need to know that there are two types of prevention:

  • primary;
  • secondary.

While primary prevention should abandon Smoking, more timeoutdoors, change jobs with hazardous conditions in a timely manner to draw attention to health problems. Secondary prevention is aimed at preventing exacerbations and preventing progression of the disease.